Think of someone in your life that you look up to as a role model, leader, or mentor. Think of the impact that person has had on your life. Now, think about where you would or would not be if that person hadn’t been in your life. God planned for Israel to lead all the nations to God and bring them into relationship with Him (See Acts 13:46ff). However, they are not walking in their calling. To the extent we would pray for these people that mean so much to our lives is the way we should pray for Israel. God has promised that Israel will lead the earth into the knowledge of God one day, and even though as a whole Israel is not currently walking in the ways of God, we know that one day they will and we can pray for them to take the place God destined for them so many years ago. Just as we often pray for strength and grace for our leaders because we recognize the pressure and hardships that come along with leadership, we also must pray for God’s people that they would see their calling. Join us in praying for Israel to take their place in the body of Christ!
The verse Isaiah 14:1, “For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will still choose Israel, and settle them in their own land”, really encourages us to keep praying for Israel. God is not done with her!