Jonathan was working in the healing rooms last month at our annual Onething Conference. A lady in a wheelchair came in with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She was clearly in pain. Her face showed a deep weariness of dealing with the constant nauseousness that kept her from walking. Two years ago she was suddenly debilitated by this terrible disease. Before MS she was very athletic even spending time camping in the wilderness with her daughter. After praying for God to heal her completely, we began to pray specifically over her lower back asking Jesus to take away the pain. She left with no more pain in her lower back! You could tell from her countenance that she was much better but not completely healed.
The third night of IHOPKC’s conference, Theresa and I were at home watching the webstream (with a new baby, we were not able to be in person at all of the sessions). Todd White began to give words of knowledge and many were getting healed. Todd listened as a crowd of young people stirred up front. He asked them, “Someone has been healed of MS?” All of the sudden the lady who had been in a wheelchair the day before ran up to the stage and shared what God had done!
Contending for Healing in the Nursing Home

I shared this testimony at our weekly Anna Club nursing home prayer ministry. I asked them, “Why couldn’t God do that here?” People who normally were sleepy or not interested were listening and watching for God to move. We prayed over a few people and saw a couple of people’s pain levels go down. It is not the fullness of what I am asking God for but it is a start. Please keep this ministry in prayer asking God to anoint the humble and forgotten of Jefferson Nursing Home with an anointing to heal the sick.