Recently, Theresa had the opportunity to help a friend and co-worker write a book that is coming out soon about his journey from prayer to doing justice in the nations of the earth. Helping with the book really inspired me (Theresa) to see what God is doing in the nations of the earth. Rick Rupp has been a part of IHOPKC since the beginning days spending most of his time serving with us as “Nightwatch Dad”. From the prayer room, a ministry has been birthed giving water to the thirsty while launching prayer rooms all over the Solomon Islands. Isaiah tells us that from the ends of the earth we will hear songs and the coastlands will sing glory to the Righteous One, Christ Jesus (Isa. 42:10). Before Jesus’ return, God will establish a global prayer and worship movement and the gospel will be preached to every tribe, tongue and nation (Mt. 24:14). We believe that what Rick is doing in the Solomon Islands is a significant fulfillment of those prophesies.
Even today, thousands of prayer rooms have been established all over the globe, many of those going day and night. Even in small remote jungle villages there are 24/7 prayer rooms giving glory to Jesus continually, with or without electricity. This truly is a sign and a wonder pointing to the worth of Jesus and His soon return. Here at IHOPKC, we long to see 24/7 prayers for justice combine with 24/7 acts of justice. The woman Anna in Luke 2 spent long hours engaged in prayer and fasting. This 84 year-old woman gave over 60 years of her life to this lifestyle. She saw the answer to her prayers for the return of the Messiah with her own eyes when baby Jesus was brought before her. This launched Anna into not only a lifestyle of prayer and fasting in the temple, but also into doing justice and doing the work of the kingdom by telling many that Jesus was the Messiah. We believe Rick is a modern day Anna and we are so excited to be partnering with him in all that Jesus is doing in the islands of the South Pacific!
For more information about what God is doing in the islands visit www.CleanWater4Life.com