In the 80s God spoke in powerful ways to Mike Bickle, the man who started IHOPKC, about a ministry of 24/7 prayer. God spoke to Mike that this ministry would primarily be staffed by young people and would play an important role in the Jewish people coming back to Jesus. One of the primary prophetic voices was a man named Bob Jones. One word that God gave Bob for Mike was, “There’s not a prayer meeting in town where a young man can find deliverance.” None of this made much sense to Mike back then. In the 80s, the fact that deliverance would take place in a prayer meeting was a pretty foreign concept.
In our prayer meetings at Hope City we are seeing this happen! Every three months, young men and women in our Trade Off Program get set free from drugs, alcohol and abuse. We are so thankful to get to be a part of this as a family! The prayer room plays a critical role in this process. During their time in the prayer room, God does the work that we could never do encountering each of them with His love and compassion showing that their is a better way to live. Recently, we heard the testimony of a young man in the program who really didn’t want to be here. On a Sunday morning at our church service God moved powerfully. Suddenly, he began to declare, “God is real!” Truly this is a fulfillment of the Word God spoke so long ago. Finally there is a prayer meeting in Kansas City where a Young Man can find deliverance! Thank you for helping us make a difference in the inner city. You are a laboring with us!