Two topics we pray for in our Anna Club prayer meeting are for the staff at the nursing home and for our friends and family. We believe that as we pray, our hearts are tenderized to feel God’s love for what we pray for. God will also use our prayers to reveal things in our own hearts He wants to change, like un-forgiveness or bitterness. He will use our intercession to change us as well if we allow Him!
Several weeks ago Henry, one of the residents, stated he didn’t want to pray for those topics because he didn’t want to forgive. We spent extra time showing him some verses about blessing our enemies and praying for people even when they hurt us and about the importance of forgiveness.
He adamantly refused to forgive, and said he was going to take his un-forgiveness to the grave even if it meant he was going to hell. It was rather surprising because he has consistently been a strong intercessor who spoke about his faith in Christ. We encouraged him to talk to God and look at the verses over the week and that we would be praying for him. We prayed hard for Henry all week getting our worship team at Hope City to pray for him as well. The following week Henry was a different man with a brighter face and full of peace. He told us that he thought and prayed all week and decided to forgive. We are so thankful!
We also rejoice because two residents recently gave their lives to Jesus and received salvation. It is never too late to lead someone to Christ! Please continue to pray with us for more salvation, for open doors to minister to the staff and residents, and also that those who come to our prayer meeting would know the value and power of their prayers.
Some of the residents have mentioned they don’t have access to the Word throughout the week. We would love to help out and bless residents with large print Bibles. If you want to join us in blessing the residents, just send a memo/note with a special gift indicating that that is what you would like it to go for. When we give out a Bible, we will send you a name and picture of the resident we gave it to so you can see the fruit of your partnership and pray for them.