Worshiping and Praying with 65,000
The first few days we arrived in California we met with and ministered to several people. We were amazed at the connections God allowed us to make with both old and new friends.

We then really enjoyed getting to serve, pray and worship with 65,000 people at TheCall Azusa Now prayer gathering at the Los Angeles Coliseum. We were encouraged to speak into the lives of so many young adults hungry for God and revival in our nation. Similar to our Onething Conference this past December, one key theme was that God is unifying the church. Multiple denominations and ministries came together under love for Jesus and the Word of God to labor together in the Great Commission. There was a lot of reconciliation and repentance during the prayer gathering. One special moment of this was having representatives from many Native American tribes led us in a time of prayer and worship and called forth the Native people to turn to God. So much happened throughout the day it is difficult to pick only a few highlights. We witnessed many healings during the day. People got out of wheelchairs and walked after being unable for over 20 years, and many who served in the military were healed of injuries and hearing loss from combat.

It’s a……
Boy! We are excited to announce that we are having a baby boy. It was a delight to see our baby for the first time at our ultrasound. We are also very thankful that everything looks healthy and on track for development. One highlight for Jonathan recently was getting to feel the baby kick for the first time.