We rejoiced on Wednesday when they allowed Jeremiah to
come home for continued outpatient treatment. Theresa and I both felt like he
would feed better at home. After taking some time to explain that to both the
doctors and NICU nurses, they agreed with us that since around the clock
monitoring was no longer necessary and his only issue was feeding that home
would be a better place for him to continue to grow strong.
Since we have been home, he has gained five ounces and
is eating 10 more milligrams then they asked us to feed him. He is hungry! We
are so thankful for this big turnaround! Please keep praying for him as every
feeding is still a labor for him. Every calorie counts right now. So, if he
expends energy crying that is energy he needed to eat. Thank you so much for
supporting us in prayer through all of this. We are so happy to be home!