We have begun the Anna Club with a modified version of harp and bowl prayer, combining worship and prayer, at one of the local nursing homes. The beginning means slow steps and figuring things out as we go, but each week the testimonies make our hearts soar.
As we tell residents that God has a purpose and destiny for them and they can change the nations where they are through prayer and worship, faces fill with tears and people respond with amazement that God would want to use them in this way. We never tire of getting to cast vision for the power of prayer and worship and the impact it has on the Great Commission.
Another recent testimony reminds us that we often don’t see with our eyes how we impact the Great Commission and the lives of those around us. One particular woman, who seemed disengaged during most of the prayer meeting, surprised us. Towards the end of the prayer meeting, we take time to prayer over each individual. As Jonathan walked up to this woman, she immediately looked at Jonathan right in the eyes. With only a whisper, she spoke, “What you are doing here is significant, more than you realize. I was engaging with the prayers the whole time. I would pray out loud if I could, but I can no longer speak any louder than a whisper.”
We only see a part of what we do. Not until eternity will we see fully how we touched the lives of those around us and how God uses us in the work He gives us to do.
Listening to Baby Baldwin’s Heartbeat
Last month, we went to our first prenatal appointment. We were disappointed and a little concerned that they could not find the heartbeat. Apparently it is normal towards the beginning of pregnancy to have trouble finding it. We overjoyed a few weeks later at our follow up to finally hear the baby! It was amazing to hear that little one gaining strength and growing. We are looking forward to soon finding out the gender at our first ultrasound! Keep Theresa in prayer. Morning sickness takes it’s toll on her day after day. Pray for strength for her body.