Ever since King David established day and night prayer (See 1 Chronicles 16), there have been many expression of unceasing 24/7 prayer. So, why do we do it and continue to do it? Also, why do we pray night and day corporately? Isn’t it good enough to just have our own quiet time and pray silently by ourselves with God? Yes, every believer is commanded to pray and talk to God and spend time just with him. However, there are reasons God has given men and women in history the vision and command for night and day prayer. First, in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray, “On earth as it is in heaven.” In the book of Revelation, we get a glimpse into what goes on in heaven around the Throne of God. In it, we see the elders, the living creatures, and angels around the Throne praying together without ceasing. When we pray on earth, we join night and day corporate prayer around the Throne.
Also, God releases mercy through night and day prayer. The Bible speaks of gathering together in a Solemn Assembly to pray, fast, and repent when crisis arises (Joel 2). The Lord says if we gather to pray that “perhaps” he will have mercy and give us a blessing instead of judgment. Night and day prayer is a “perpetual Solemn Assembly” crying out for mercy for our nation.
Celebrating One Year of Marriage!

On August 16th, we celebrated our one year anniversary! For our anniversary, we went on a canoe and kayak trip camping on the Niagua River. Because of lots of rain, the water was moving very quickly! We had to avoid many rocks and trees. Only Jonathan tipped once! It was so fun to go on an adventure and camp together for the first time.