Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled

Theresa and I had opportunity to minister at her parent’s church leading worship and teaching on prayer in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

As we have shared with people and ministered in several churches and houses of prayer the past two months, we have been touched with the hope we have in Jesus. Though it is easy to be dismayed with the darkness and hardship in this world, especially that facing our youth, the hope we have in Jesus is greater. As we near the return of the Lord, darkness will increase and troubles will abound. “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast” will keep us steady as the waves crash over us (see Hebrews 6:19). We look with hope to the wonderful things that Jesus has prepared for those that love Him! (See 1 Corinthians 2:9)

How amazing it is that there are young adults freely giving themselves to prayer, worship, and the Word of God hungry to walk in the fullness of God. As they do, night and day prayer is changing the spiritual atmosphere over cities, regions, and our nation. Our hope is that Jesus Christ the King will one day return and fully rule and reign. We look to a day where there will be no more sickness, pain, or death. We know that we have an eternal hope through the precious blood and sacrifice of Jesus. It is truly glorious that Jesus wants a personal relationship with us, wants us to rule and reign with Him and partner with Him to bring His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We are now at 65% of our monthly partnership goal. Thank you for those that have joined our team recently. We are excited to partner with you in all that God has for us!

Theresa and I got a chance to spend time with her grandmother in rural Wisconsin. We had such a fun time laughing with her and showing her our wedding DVD.

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