I had so much fun this past week! Kids from all over the nation came to be trained in the Worship Track of our Children’s Camp. I had a group of about thirteen kids that I taught how to pray, sing, and play their instruments in our “Harp & Bowl” model of worship (combining worship with prayer, see Revelation 5:8). I was amazed how quickly they learned—faster then many adults I have taught the same thing. By the end of the week, I was off stage watching them.
I led our “Harp & Bowl” lab where all they had been learning came together. We began with worship songs the kids had learned throughout the week. From there, they sang together from their favorite Psalm. Then, one of the kids prayed (from the Bible) and we prophetically sang with their prayer. It’s easier to see then explain—make sure and check out the video. No doubt, God used camp to make the kids hungry for more of Him. I know Jesus drew their hearts to him in their week at camp in Kansas City. You were a part of this with me!
House Update
Passed Inspections! Closing Next Month!

This past month has been one of the busiest ever! Not only am I planning a wedding but Theresa and I are working on buying a house. Because of the type of down payment assistance we received, Theresa and I ended up having to paint the exterior of the house. We had a limited amount of time to get it done because of when inspections were going to take place. I am not a handy man. So, I had to learn! The first couple of days were really hard. I was discouraged. Not only were we having trouble finding help but the weather was promising rain! By God’s grace, miraculously, He held off the rain and many of my friends came out to help. We got it done in time and passed inspections!
Last weekend, we took the first part of a required homeowner’s class. After we finish up this coming weekend, we are hoping to close on the house! What a miracle! God is so good. Be looking next month for a change of address!