Meeting Not Just Physical but Eternal Needs As Well
We still need $551 for our trip to Haiti, $400 for lodging is due this Tuesday. Would you join us in laboring to see Jesus glorified in the nation of Haiti?
One of our weekly highlights is Tuesdays when we get to minister in the inner city at IHOPKC’s ministry called Hope City. There is something so wonderful about being able to sing and pray over the people in the room. We love being in the inner city asking God to bring light changing the dark atmosphere of the inner city.
Last year at Hope City, we served 78,000 plates of food. We are committed to meeting the physical needs of the poor. However, we love that we aren’t just meeting practical needs but are meeting the deeper spiritual and eternal needs of the inner city. We are reminded of the verses in John 6 about laboring for food that endures to everlasting and that Jesus is the true Bread from Heaven, the Bread of Life. Jesus was not rejecting works of justice, rather, He was encouraging us to seek Him first, care most about the eternal state of our soul, and keep the secondary things in second place. Even if we meet a practical need of a person, that person will eventually still die. Yet, if we do works of justice paired with making Jesus known and for the sake of revealing Jesus, we give a person the most precious gift- eternal life and the knowledge of God.
30 Days of Prayer For Haiti
We help manage our Haitian Pearl’s Facebook page. One of the recent ways we have mobilized prayer for Haiti is through a 30-day prayer initiative encouraging people to schedule 30 seconds to pray for Haiti. Short 30-second prayers prayed throughout the day are powerful and effective. Furthermore, we are likely to pray more if it is scheduled. Of course if a day is missed, we can just push delete and move on, and it doesn’t mean we can’t pray other times than our scheduled time or pray longer than our scheduled time. However, scheduling time to pray is a great launching pad to a strong prayer life. Through prayer, our hearts are changed and we get God’s heart for what we are praying for. One thing God did in our heart during the 30-days was to remind us that God has had dreams and plans for Haiti and He is faithful and will bring them to pass. You can join us through our Facebook Page.