This is my final ministry update to write alone because in four days, I will be getting married! Next month, you will receive an update from Jonathan & Theresa. I thought it would be good to use this “final” update to reflect upon the past 9½ years of ministry.
Fighting Abortion
In 2004, I joined full-time staff at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC). God spared no time to thrust me right into the call He had for my life as an intercessor. After receiving an email from Lou Engle inviting young adults to join him, I prayed for 50 days for revival in the 50 states of America. Our journey led us to the front of the Supreme Court with red tape over our mouth that said LIFE crying out for the ending of abortion. During that time, God touched my heart deeply for the unborn. Since that time, much of my ministry has been devoted to fighting abortion—not mostly in the natural but mostly on my knees in prayer. I am so grateful that God has given me His heart for these little ones!

Working in Haiti
When I was a teenager, I rented a book at the library about human trafficking in Haiti. I began to pray from Psalm 2 that Jesus would receive His inheritance of the Haitian people. In 2007, after seven years of waiting I finally got to go. I wrote a song called “Hold Me” a prayer to the Father to hold us through difficult times. After returning to Haiti many other times (including a two and half month trip) God has used this song to bring comfort to many Haitians. I am excited about what God is doing in this nation. I pray the Father allows me to continue to be a part of giving Jesus His inheritance of the people of Haiti.
Praying & Worshiping at Night
When I was eighteen, I did an internship at IHOPKC called Fire in the Night praying and worshiping Jesus from midnight-six am. During the internship, the Lord spoke to my heart to finish my degree in music and move to Kansas City to serve Him full-time. Before Jesus’ death, He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane. There He told His disciples, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me” (Matthew 26:38). He asked His disciples to pray through the night with Him. For the past 9½ years, I have sought to answer Jesus’ cry in this day, standing with a company of believers in Kansas City watching and praying through the night with Jesus.

Theresa & I Praying with Pastors and Leaders in Haiti
Our Future in Ministry
Theresa and I dream of serving Jesus together in ministry as intercessory missionaries all of our lives. We have purchased a home in Kansas City where we intend to continue serving Him. I look forward to the adventure that starts August 16th as we bring our lives and ministries together! Thank you for your partnership these 9½ years. It means so much to me that you believe in the call that God has placed on my life.