New Law Expected to close 37 of the 42 abortion clinics in Texas

Months ago, I planned a trip to Texas to build my monthly partnership team. However, the week I arrived, I found myself in a hinge point of history as Governor Perry sought to pass a bill that would outlaw most abortions after 20 weeks and increase safety standards at Texas abortion clinics. After Senator Wendy Davis’ filibuster and an angry pro-choice mob disrupted the vote, the bill was unable to pass in time. By God’s grace, Governor Perry called a special session to pass the bill.

God spoke to my heart, “Go to Austin and pray in the opposite spirit of the angry pro-choice mob. Go and stand in silence.” I got in touch with Thomas, the leader of Bound4LIFE Austin, and we began to mobilize. I called a Catholic friend of mine, Dianita, in San Antonio asking her to bring Catholics. Thomas called a meeting with over thirty Pro-LIFE leaders seeking to unify our strategy. We wanted to be peaceful. We wanted to stand in the opposite spirit of the antics that brought this bill to a grinding halt. We wanted God to hear our voices in our silence.

I mobilized a small group from East Texas and we arrived early on Monday, July 1, the opening day of Governor Perry’s special session. When I arrived, chaos filled the Rotunda of the Capitol in Austin. An angry mob of pro-choice protestors chanted. We passed out red tape to those who had gathered to pray for LIFE.
Finally, Dianita arrived with over four hundred Catholics. They slowly made their way through Capitol security singing the old song of the abolition long ago, “Amazing Grace”. The presence of the Lord rested on the east side of the Capitol building as the halls echoed their songs. As one they made their way upstairs joining our small, outnumbered Silent Prayer Siege. We began handing out LIFE tape as quickly as we could make it. Many joined us wearing the tape over their mouths with us in solidarity with the unborn children who are silent as they are killed in the womb.
Later, we sent out everyone in pairs to visit their Representatives and Senators encouraging and praying for them and their staff. That night we gathered together at the Austin House of Prayer. I led a time of devotional worship to refresh the weary with the presence of the Lord.
From here, we must keep praying. This Texas law will likely be challenged in Federal Court. Pray that God would allow His Voice to be heard in that court room (Psalm 82).
Pictures of LIFE tape filled the media the next day. The next day, the front page of the Houston Chronicle pictured the dichotomy of Senator Wendy Davis speaking at her pro-choice rally and my friend, Dianita, above, silently praying with LIFE tape