Worship with the Word-Teaching the Nations with Song
For five two-hour sets a week, I sing with my worship team leading worship and prayer. Two of the sets I do are called Worship with the Word. Paul commanded the Colossians,
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
We are doing what Paul commanded teaching the Word in song admonishing both the one hundred or so in Kansas City and thousands all over the world watching online. We sing either through a Psalm, Hymn of Revelation, or other Bible passage.
Personally, it is one of the most refreshing times of my week. We have been singing passages from Song of Songs. Though Song of Songs is a natural love story about the glory of married love, it is also allegorically about Jesus’ love for His bride, the church. It has been so edifying to my heart to sing about Jesus’ love for me and about the process of me maturing in love for Him.
Enjoy our teaching in song from our Worship with the Word sets Monday and Friday mornings at 2am on our 24/7 webstream and archive. If you don’t want to wake up at 2 am click on “Archives” and then to find my sets simply search for my worship leaders’ names: Brandon Lautzenheiser or Alisha Powell.
Intercession-Leading the Nations in Prayer
The other three sets I sing are intercession sets. Sunday mornings at 4am we focus on praying for pastors and church leaders as they prepare for their services. On Tuesday mornings at 12 am we pray for the salvation of Israel. On Saturday mornings at 12 am we pray for the persecuted church especially North Korea and China.
A prayer usually begins, first, with the intercessor praying a passage from the Bible. Then, they focus on a specific phrase. Then, that’s where we come in! We sing from what they prayed about and eventually make up a spontaneous chorus from the prayer so that the entire prayer room can agree together. It’s kind of hard to explain and better shown, however. So, tune in to our webstream!