When I was sixteen, God showed me that He longs to give Jesus an inheritance (Psalm 2) of the people of Haiti. The Father longs that this nation would see the light of the glory of Jesus (Isaiah 9). Since that time, I have been to Haiti three times including 2½ months in 2011.
Since getting back a year and a half ago, as I pray, I have real faces and relationships in mind as I help lead our Wednesday morning prayer meeting at 4am. I am still in contact with my friends in Haiti so I can lead specific prayer for their needs. In addition, we are continuing to strategize for holistic impact on society in Haiti with IHOPKC’s ministry, Haitian Pearl. I am continuing to serve on the Haitian Pearl team helping to call the body of Christ to pray for Haiti through our website at www.HaitianPearl.org and every Wednesday at 4am on our live and archived webcast.
Recently, one of my prayers for Haiti was featured on IHOPKC’s bi-monthly “Best of the Prayer Room” recordings. If you would like to get ahold of a copy or to listen to it visit the Best of the Prayer Room website. Thank you again for your partnership and prayers. You are helping make this impact of night and day prayer with me.