Governor Brownback Requests Eight Hours of Prayer & Worship
Last week, on the National Day of Prayer, Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas opened the doors of the Capitol building to eight hours of continuous worship and prayer. He gave us the Old Supreme Court Room within the state capitol building. Governor Brownback has been a friend of the prayer movement for years. In fact, he and Lou Engle were roommates in Washington DC and have prayed and strategized together for the ending of abortion. Rick Rupp, one of the organizers of the event, an IHOPKC intercessory missionary, and a dear friend, asked me to lead an hour and a half of the worship. It was a powerful time of crying out to God for revival in the state of Kansas especially among Native Americans and for the government. At the end of my set, I sang a new song I have written from Psalm 82,

God takes His stand in the assembly of the mighty / He judges in the midst of the rulers / How long will you rule unjustly? / And show partiality to the wicked? / Vindicate the weak / Vindicate the fatherless.
It is prophetic call from the heart of God to rulers to repent and do justice for the afflicted. It is also an intercessory cry to Jesus to hear the cries of the oppressed in our nation. It was sobering to sing this song for the first time publicly in this place of government.