5, 2, 11 Honkers: Every Voice Matters

We have had some interesting and rather funny activity as we pray every week at our Silent Prayer Sieges at the abortion clinic. Call me crazy, but it has actually really encouraged me that every voice counts and God really hears our prayers.

The story begins way back in 2004 as a group of seventy of us journeyed with Lou Engle to the Supreme Court praying at the first ever Silent Prayer Siege. On our way to stand in Washington, DC, we met with a prophet named Bob Jones. Bob was very instrumental in speaking into some of the foundations of the International House of Prayer and many other prophetic movements in our nation. We spent some time with Bob seeking his council for our journey. When describing our group from a Heavenly perspective he compared us to what he called “honkers” or geese. He said God heard our prayers like “honkers” and our group had unity flying like a flock of geese.

Well, for the past three Silent Prayer Sieges we have seen “honkers.” But the strange thing is we always see exactly how many geese as there are people in our group! The first week, our small group of five saw exactly five geese! The next week my co-leader Matthew and I were praying alone. Sure enough there were two geese there waiting for us! The third week I was expecting it. As our group of eleven counted the geese that flew overhead there were exactly eleven of them! What encouragement such a silly thing has been to me. I mean if my voice didn’t matter, that last week there wold have only been ten geese, but, no, there where eleven marking every one of our voices. God hears our voices even in our silence. It really matters to Him that we do such a simple thing—praying to Him in silence at the abortion clinic, identifying with the silent cries of those who have no voice.

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