In 2004, my life was changed radically on a prayer journey with Lou Engle that ended with silent prayer in front of the Supreme Court. As we stood we wore red tape over our mouths that said LIFE on it. During that journey, the Lord touched my heart with faith for the ending of abortion as I read Psalm 18, “He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters…He rescued me, because He delighted in me.” I knew God was saying, “I am going to rescue babies from abortion because I delight in them.”
After six years of fighting in prayer, in 2010, I saw little sign that the abortion laws were going to change. I was very discouraged. One night before my Nightwatch prayer time, I met Mark Olson. He told me of a strategy God has given him for a national ban on abortion in four to ten years. As he described the strategy to me, my heart filled with faith again! I committed to him that I would fight this battle with him.
This weekend, I am going with Mark to Washington, DC to an annual conference and march on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Mark will be presenting his strategy at the conference. We will also be meeting with key leaders in the Pro-LIFE movement. Please pray for us as we take the first major step in this journey to end abortion in four to ten years.