In 2008, I had a dream that I traveled with a group of students to Houston. We went inside a towering office building—it was several stories high. Inside, I ran into the door of an operating room. They were performing an abortion. I could hear the sound of the suction machine. I ran away terrified. A woman came out. She had grayish blondish hair with black all over her face. I had an open door to share the truth about the unborn and Jesus’ love for them with her. A few days later the Lord spoke a phrase to my heart, “Jonathan, I don’t just want to rescue unborn babies from abortion. I want to rescue abortion doctors from abortion.”
Two years later, in 2010, Planned Parenthood built and opened the largest abortion clinic in America in Houston, TX. It is several stories high like the one in my dream. Lou Engle called it an “abortion supercenter”. The devastation and pain that this clinic causes, especially to the Hispanic and African American neighborhoods that surround it, is incomprehensible.
In the midst of the discouragement of the large clinic being built, it was like God was saying to me look to the abortion doctors, I’m doing something with them. Sure enough, as Planned Parenthood prepared to build their “abortion supercenter”, God was beginning to turn the heart of the director of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Bryan, Texas. In 2009, after eight years of working at the clinic, Abby Johnson ran the ultrasound while the doctor was performing the abortion. As she saw the baby fleeing for its life from the suction machine, she thought of her own daughter, was convicted, and left the abortion industry. Now Abby is fighting to help rescue abortion clinic workers from abortion.
Our prayers matter. Abby’s turning, no doubt, was a direct result of 40 days of fasting and prayer by the 40 Days for Life campaign. As Abby saw the ultrasound, they were outside the clinic praying for her specifically. Also, after I had my dream ten months before she turned, we began to pray specifically for abortion doctors in the Nightwatch at the International House of Prayer. These prayers ascended to God and resulted in freedom for her and the lives of the clinic workers she will now touch. Who knows what God will do next as we continue to cry out to Him for abortion doctors to be rescued from abortion?