Last month, I joined the ten-member cast of IHOP-KC’s Easter drama, “From Patmos- A Musical Review”. The musical tells the life of Christ from the perspective of the Apostle John imprisoned on the island of Patmos. We are singing nine different songs. The musical ends with the crucifixion of Jesus, His resurrection and finally Jesus saying “come up here” to John to see Heaven (Revelation 4).
This is the first drama I have ever acted in. Many in the musical have lots of experience. So, I have had to work hard to keep up! I have enjoyed getting to experience the events of Jesus’ life every week in rehearsal as I act. I have especially encountered Jesus’ heart for Israel. One of the songs, “Where is the Coming of Messiah?” is Israel’s cry for a Messiah to deliver them. While singing every week, I have prayed that Israel would see their Messiah, Jesus. I long that they would see Him and say, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Lord.” (Matthew 23:39)

The performance will be Friday, April 6th and Saturday, April 7th at 6pm and also on Sunday Easter Morning at 8:30am and 10:45am. To watch me, tune in to our live web stream (www.IHOPKC.org). I know you will enjoy it! Please keep me in your prayers. Pray that I would remember all my lines and cues and that I would have an anointing to not just act but bring people in to Jesus’ glorious story of salvation. At the end of the drama, we will give an invitation for people to believe in Jesus. Please pray that many would respond.
Below watch a sneak peak as Matt Gilman sings the opening song from the musical.