When I was sixteen, God touched my heart for the people of Haiti. I borrowed some books from the library and read about the people. My heart broke over story after story of oppression. I began to pray for justice in Haiti.
Eleven years later, God has opened a door for me to go to Haiti for three months. This October 1st-December 15th, I am going to serve Fisher’s of Men Ministries (FOMM) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This past January, FOMM hosted 12,000 people at TheCall Solemn Prayer Assembly with Lou Engle on the anniversary of the earthquake. FOMM is a ministry committed to seeing Haiti transformed with the power of the Gospel. Every morning at 6 am, 1,000-2,000 Haitians gather to pray.
While in Haiti, I will be studying God’s heart for justice as part of my capstone to complete my studies at the International House of Prayer University’s (IHOPU) Forerunner Justice Program (FJP). From now until I leave for Haiti, I am living in the inner city and getting acclimated to the Haitian culture and language by serving a local Haitian congregation here in Kansas City.
Last January, at the TheCall Haiti, I was amazed that on the anniversary of such destruction, so many Haitian people chose to respond with worship. Their life situation pushes them to lean on the Lord in a way we cannot comprehend. God is going to teach me so much about justice through the Haitian people.
I am also preparing to pour myself out in ministry. I will primarily be serving the Fisher’s of Men Missions Base. Dr. Jay Threadgill, director of FOMM, will be directly overseeing our activity. This man has been laboring in Haiti for twenty-six years. He has paid a tremendous cost for the people of Haiti. I will be serving this man to help accomplish his goal of seeing Haiti transformed with the power of the Gospel. I will also engage in ministry outside to orphans, healing the sick in the hospitals, and feeding the poor.
Over the past eleven years, God has taken me on an exciting adventure related to Haiti. On every trip, I have been amazed at God’s provision above and beyond my need. I have already begun fundraising for this trip. I need $4,300 for airfare, room and board, medical insurance, books and spending money. With what has been given already, I need $2,200 more by October 1st. However, I also want to bless the poor. Whatever I raise above my needs, I will give to the poor in Haiti. Would you consider giving? If you do not require a tax deduction you can give a special gift easily through Paypal or click here to mail a special gift. I also need prayer. Would you also consider committing to pray for me regularly October-December receiving regular email prayer updates? If so, simply reply to this email and let me know. Thank you so much for partnering with me in ministry. I believe a great multitude will thank you in the age to come for your impact.
Papa lè a Rive pou Ayiti (Father the Time has Come for Haiti),
Jonathan Baldwin
P.S. While I am in Haiti, I will not be able to receive support at my residence. So, after October, Please send all support to IHOP-KC Staff Support, For Jonathan Baldwin, 3535 E Red Bridge RD, Kansas City, MO 64137 and email me any prayer requests.
Above is a video from TheCall Haiti that I helped serve at this past January. TheCall took place at the ministry I will be serving October 1st-December 15th.
Teaching Kids Songs to Raise Funds for Schools
In preparation for my ministry in Haiti, I am teaching Haitian children worship songs every Sunday morning at a local Kansas City Haitian congregation. In September, we will perform these songs at a fundraiser that I am organizing to raise funds for schools in Haiti. The kids have been picking up the English and Haitian Creole songs very fast!
Solar Lights for the Poor
I would like to bring a suitcase full of solar lights from D Light Design for the poor. Many Haitians rely upon dangerous kerosene lamps to light their homes. The indoor pollution of these lamps claims the lives of over 1.5 million people worldwide each year. I need about $1,000 to make this happen. If you would like to give specifically towards this project, please give now through Paypal or click here to mail a special gift and please include a note designating your gift for lights for the poor.