Morning Prayer Meetings

Every morning, on Delmas 31 street in Port-au-Prince, a sound arises of worship and intercession as over 1,000 Haitians gather. Most attending must walk or take tap-taps (trucks that Haitians crowd into and pay 12 cents a ride). They come desperately hungry for Jesus. The prayer meetings are different from most meetings I have attended in America. Here, they pray unified as one. They pray for revival in Haiti, the Haitian government, and for Jerusalem.
These wonderful intercessors have taught me much about prayer. I also had the opportunity to preach. I called people to stand if they felt called to prayer as their full-time job like Anna did in Luke 2. I was overwhelmed when over 800 of the 1,000 responded. I prayed God would “set them on the wall” by releasing the necessary finances and aligning their life circumstances. This morning prayer meeting is a seed that will grow into night and day prayer.
Financial Need
I am ending the year behind financially. Normally, in addition to sending an email newsletter, I send out letters through the mail. Since I was in Haiti, I was not able to send letters through the mail and many forgot to give. Please consider meeting this need today by giving a special year-end gift.
“Haiti- Worship in the Midst of Devastation”
For my final project for the Forerunner Justice Program, I am producing a short documentary called, “Haiti- Worship in the Midst of Devastation”. I interviewed worship leaders, pastors, and some of the Haitians who attend the daily prayer meetings. After facing the devastating 2010 earthquake, many Haitians still love and worship Jesus. I believe we have much to learn from them. Watch for this video next month.
Ministering in the Mountains
Miblais is an hour north of Port-au-Prince in the mountains. I preached to a small church about Jesus becoming a Man and embracing our poverty, and about the hope we have in the resurrection. Three children and an adult responded to a call for salvation. One little girl had tears in her eyes as I prayed for her. I told her that He is calling her to be a Samuel and that she is going to hear the voice of the Lord. One older woman, Viergimene Metelus, is an intercessor. I encouraged her not to give up and that her prayers will bear fruit.
Giving the Poor Solar Lights
I decided that this church in Miblais would be the best place to give the solar lights. This community has no electricity. These lights will certainly have a great impact upon those who receive them. Thank you so much for sowing into my trip. You made this impact possible!
Visiting my Sponsor Child, Jeff
I have been sponsoring Jeff through Compassion International since I was sixteen and since he was five. In 2007, when I went to Haiti for the first time, I got to meet Jeff and his father. Last week, I got to see them again. I could not believe how old Jeff has gotten. He is now seventeen! It was such a joyful reunion when they pulled up! I gave Jeff a brand new solar light (that many of you helped to purchase). He is so thankful. I was able to pray for Jeff. I told him that it was not an accident that God led me to sponsor him. I told him that God loves him and has a special plan for his life. When we were done, I could just see such gratitude in Jeff’s father’s eyes. I am privileged to do my part in this young man’s life.
Sowing into the Next Generation

December 15th held many sad goodbyes to new friends and to my students. My primary place of ministry has been tutoring at Morningstar Christian Academy, an English K-12 school. I tutored students in math, science, English, social studies, and word building. At times I felt unqualified to help the students since I have no teaching degree. With a willing heart, I leaned greatly upon the Holy Spirit! I focused on two students, Johnneau and Jean. It was amazing to see them gain confidence as the semester progressed. I believe they are part of the next generation’s leaders in Haiti.
Preaching on the Father’s Heart
The revelation of God as Father is greatly needed as Haiti has doubled its 380,000 orphans after the earthquake. I led young adults through prayers of forgiveness and prayed for the truth of the Father to be revealed to them. Many began a process of healing that the Holy Spirit will complete.
Leading Worship at School
One day the worship leader was unable to make it to chapel. Immediately, there was a microphone in my hand and I was outside of my comfort zone leading worship without an instrument. It was enjoyable to lead the teenagers into the presence of the Lord.
Teaching the High School Choir
I also helped one of the worship leaders, Chantal (her name means singer!), to lead the school choir. I see seeds in Haiti’s next generation for a national prayer and worship movement.
My Song “Hold Me” Impacts Many
I wrote “Hold Me” during a difficult trial in 2007. Last year, I recorded the Haitian Creole version on my CD, Mighty Warrior. I had many opportunities to sing this song and many were touched and shared stories of how they were impacted. I’m thankful the cry of my heart to the Father has become the cry of many Haitians in their pain and suffering.
Showing the Father to Orphans
I also served at an orphanage. It has been amazing getting to love on the kids. Many of the kids have special needs and some are confined to their beds unless someone can hold them. I was able to hold many of these kids showing them the Father’s love.
A Calling to Intercessory Missions
In 2002, God called me to move to the full-time work of prayer and worship in the Nightwatch at IHOPKC. These last two years of justice school has only confirmed this. I desire to partner with Jesus in bringing justice to the earth through prayer.
For now, my place to do this is in Kansas City. Haiti is a nation that I have a clear call to. I will continue to impact the nation through prayer and second through short-term trips to join the prayer movement God is raising up in Haiti. Thank you so much for all of you who have partnered with me through the years. Haiti and many other places have been changed through our ministry together.