We are in a very serious battle against abortion in our nation. However, there are positive signs that the battle is beginning to turn. Since we began praying in front of the Supreme Court in 2004, abortion has steadily declined. I used to use the statistic that 4,400 babies die every day from abortion. That statistic is now closer to 3,500 babies a day. One baby is too many, so we the battle is not over. However, we can thank Jesus that he has heard our voices and the voices of the unborn even in our silence.
Not only is the actual number of abortions going down, but laws are beginning to change. Alabama, Kansas, Indiana, Idaho, Oklahoma, and Nebraska have all banned abortion after 20 weeks. Even though it is being challenged in the courts, Texas law now requires an ultrasound and a 24-hour waiting period. Kansas just passed a law requiring hospital standards for abortion clinics. Because the clinics failed to meet these standards, the law almost shut down the clinic we have been praying at since 2005 and all of abortion in Kansas. However, a judge intervened last minute and now the law is being challenged in court.
Jesus Christ will not stop until abortion ends. He is relentless on this issue. He is more determined then Planned Parenthood, the National Organization of Women or any other Pro-Choice organization. He already told us His Father’s will on this matter, “So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.” (Matthew 18:14) Abortion is going to end. We must join Jesus as He prays before His Father continually for the babies.