Special Mission Trip Report- January 8th-18th

Last week, I returned from a nine day mission trip to Haiti. I am amazed that in the midst of tragedy, so many Haitian people have chosen to respond with worship. I met many who had lost husbands, wives, and children in the devastating earthquake last year. If I were to recount some of those stories here, your heart would break with pain. However, the same people I talked to came every morning and worshiped and loved Jesus. Who can inspire such passion, dedication and love from His people? There is only One!!
(TheCall– Continued Below)
Days 1 & 2- Warfare in Travel
Our trip began with difficulty. Our flight was delayed and re-booked on another airline. However, we did not realize that they changed our airline. So, we missed our flight. Three of us stayed behind while the others went ahead to Haiti. Finally, on Monday, I arrived in Haiti a day late, tired and worn out. With this warfare, I knew God was about to do something astounding!
Day 3- Morning Prayer
The next morning, I went to my first morning prayer meeting in Haiti. Every morning we were there, anywhere from 800-2,000 gathered to The Rock at 6 am to worship and pray for their nation. My full-time job is going to prayer meetings at IHOPKC. However, I do not think I have ever been to a prayer meeting like this. It seemed that almost all in attendance lifted their hands and worshiped with all of their hearts. As I looked around, almost every mouth was moving crying out in prayer. Passion and desperation covered every face. When they prayed, they prayed as one. When they were asked to lift their hands everyone lifted their hands. When they were asked to repeat a prayer, they all lifted their voices to the Lord. It was very powerful to see.
Loving Orphans
After morning prayer, we visited an orphanage. The woman who ran the orphanage told us an amazing story of how God orchestrated over eighty adoptions following the earthquake last year. She told of supernatural favor with the government, an amazing turn of events and God’s great compassion in finding these orphans a home. From there, I went inside to the bedside of a little boy deformed in his body and suffering with aids. My heart broke for him. I laid hands on Him praying that God would heal him. I saw no immediate results with my eyes, but I know God heard my passioned plea for him.
Later, my roommate and friend Nathan Christopherson and I played his mandolin singing songs with the kids. I held a little boy singing over him the song I wrote about the Father’s embrace, “Hold Me”. I sang it in Haitian Creole telling him, “Papa Bondye Kenbe Ou.”–Father God hold you! As this tender moment unfolded, suddenly I felt a warm sensation on my clothes. He peed on me!! I put him down and went inside to clean my clothes!
My New CD Playing on Radio in Haiti
That night, Lou Engle and Stuart Greaves arrived and we began TheCall. After the service, I reunited with a good friend Gary St-hubert. He is the head worship leader for The Rock. On my 2007 Haiti missions trip, Gary attended the conference I led worship at. He has the tender heart of the Father. Recently, he began a boys home for orphans. He has a powerful anointing to lead worship. I gave Gary my new CD, Mighty Warrior and the Haitian Creole version of my song, “Hold Me”. Gary is now playing my song on his radio program every Friday from 12:30-2pm. On a related note, I now have a distributor in Mexico for my CD, Mighty Warrior. I’m excited that the Lord is using this CD to encourage the body of Christ even in other nations. Thank you again for those who gave financially. You helped make this impact possible.
TheCall Haiti
I woke up early, around 5 am on January 12th, the anniversary of the earthquake. I ventured out to the church on the hill beneath us. Outside of our walls, as the sun began to rise, the street coming in to the church was filled with thousands of worshipers gathering for TheCall Haiti. I quickly found a place on a bench before the 6500 capacity tent filled up. I sat in the middle of a row filled with Haitian people on either side of me. For twelve hours 6 am-6pm, I got to worship with these passionate people.
A New Song For Haiti

After about an hour of worship, we had a moment of silence for those who died in the earthquake. From all over the tent and even from those beside me, I could hear muffled cries. It was a very difficult moment for many as they mourned the loss of their loved ones. Afterwards, Jay Threadgill, the pastor of the Rock, said the Lord spoke to Him from Isaiah 42:10 that out of the devastation of Haiti, God was birthing a new song. A Haitian young woman, Chantal, sang a new song she had written called “M’ Adore W’” (“I Worship You”). At the end of the song they sang, “Majesty”. It just so happens that it is the same in English. Isaiah 24:14, 16 says,
They cry out from the west concerning the majesty of the LORD…From the ends of the earth we hear songs, “Glory to the righteous One.”
I can’t describe how amazing it was hearing this prophesy being fulfilled!! Haiti, in the midst of judgment and devastating tragedy, is singing “Majesty” to the Lord Jesus.
Crying Out for a Righteous Government

Around noon, we began broadcasting on Haitian national television. Pastor Jay gave a clear Gospel message to those watching. Many surrendered their lives to Jesus at the event and, I imagine, many more watching did as well. Next, Lou Engle preached prophesying, “The world has heard of your mighty devastation and tragedy. The world will hear of your mighty prayers.” He called them to pray for a righteous government. I believe like never before that Haiti’s government really can change if we pray!
Singing Papa Kenbe Mwen
During TheCall, Gary asked me to sing, “Papa Kenbe Mwen” (Father Hold Me). It was difficult. It seems hard for people to grasp the Father holding them in a culture inundated with Fatherlessness. Also, I think my Creole might have been hard to understand. I guess I got some learning to do!
Day 5- Work Day!
On the fifth day, we had a work day. Our team of seven loved it! We sanded the concrete of a ministry building and then painted the walls. At one point, we just sang worship songs while we worked.
Teaching the Choir “Papa Kenbe Mwen”
That afternoon, I taught the choir of the Rock my song, “Papa Kenbe Mwen”. They have over a hundred singers between their four worship teams. At one point, Gary, a tender man with understanding of the heart of the Father, explained the song. When he finished, as they sang, I could tell Papa was touching many of them. I shared the story of how I wrote the song in a difficult season. I told them in their difficulty, the Father longs to hold them drawing them close to His heart.
Day 6- Children Healed at a Hospital
We went to a hospital to pray for children and others in need of healing. I sang some of the Creole worship songs I knew on my guitar while the rest of the team prayed. At least six people were healed instantly. As we were leaving, we saw a little boy with a crutch and a hurt leg. Our team went out and prayed for him. When they were done praying, his knee was partially healed.
Day 7- Leading Worship & Ministry for the Youth

Sunday afternoon, we ministered to the youth group of The Rock. Nathan Christopherson, my roommate sang one of his worship songs in English. It is amazing how worship transcends languages! The young adults worshiped with all of their hearts! A fellow student shared her testimony of how God brought freedom from fear and anxiety during the IHOPU Student Awakening. Our team went out, laid hands, and prayed for many. Then, with some of the choir, I sang my song “Papa Kenbe Mwen”. It went much better this time with native speakers helping my weak Creole!