Bethany was one of my roommates when I did the Fire in the Night internship, and she moved in as my roommate once again in mid-January. We have quite the adventures together, but she always provokes my heart to greater love and abandonment to God. She challenges my walk and carries herself with joy and an excellent spirit and brings all conversations back to the Lord.
Bethany felt God tugging her for quite some years to sell her car as a step in her journey. However, for some reason, the car continued to stay unsold. I prayed, “God, if you gave me the finances, I would help Bethany pay off her car.” Well, little did I know, once I totaled my car, the Lord led me to purchase her car. I got some insurance money, but not nearly enough. The weekend I came back, someone put in my hands a check for $1500 explaining, “God put it on my heart to give this to your for your car.” A few weeks ago, I found an envelope with a letter in my backpack at the end of the night with a check for $250 specifically for my car.
I need about $2000 more towards the car, and God has stirred my faith and the Holy Spirit exhorts me to keep asking. He is showing me that God is the good father who loves to have us partner with His heart and loves to gives good gifts, just because He loves to give. However, He wants us to ask Him. I love using Revelation 4 & 5 to help me picture the throne room, myself coming before the Father’s throne as a child. He is so approachable, and like Esther going before the King, we forever have daily access to go before the King of all Kings and partner with His heart in intercession and seeking out to know more about Him.

The cross is the center of Justice
Jesus is the worthy lamb who deserves the rewards of His sufferings. God is committed to humanity. God is beginning to open my eyes to justice and bring clarity on my mind and heart to understand what true justice really is. One way Jesus is unlocking my heart to His heart is through something new I am involved with, the Justice Storehouse. After a Kansas City homeless man froze to death this past winter, the Forerunner Justice Program, part of the International House of Prayer University, began to respond by collecting warm clothing. Soon enough, the vision was beginning to grow. This past November, my prayer team ran a IHOP clothes drive to meet the needs in our own mission base. I believe that God will unlock our hearts to love His people and understand justice through moments like this.