Police Sergeant, “No Violent Crime!”

For the Past Two Months in the Neighborhood around Hope Cityhighwaylights01

Once a month, the Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) has their briefing for their night shift at our prayer room in the inner city, Hope City. The Sergeant announced that in the past two months violent crime has literally scattered out from our neighborhood. This is unbelievable news for a neighborhood that is one of the most dangerous in Kansas City. Prayer is already beginning to change things!

I Was in the Back of a Police Car for Three Hours!cruzer

Don’t worry. I didn’t get arrested! Last month, I went on a police ride along with the KCPD during their night shift (they call it the power shift). We had to arrest two young black men. One of them had possession of marijuana another was involved in a shooting. God has a leadership call on the black community. It broke my heart to see the deception that come against these two men that God has called to be leaders in what He is doing on the earth.

As I looked at the sadness in the eyes of the first young man we arrested, I felt two different emotions of the Lord. First, I felt the delight of the Lord over justice being done. Second, I knew the Lord’s heart was broken in love and pity. I prayed fervently for him as we booked him at the police station.

The second young man we arrested had been shot in the leg. We took him to the hospital and “sat on him” for several hours. This gave me a perfect opportunity to talk to the police officers—a 24-year-old white man and middle-aged black man. The black police officer told me, “There is a small pool of people that commit the crimes in the city.” He said that it was his third time to arrest the man we were “sitting on” at the hospital. I told him that meant a lot to me because we can target in prayer this “small pool of people” and see them touched with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I said Jesus’ Name the atmosphere changed. I know if we pray God will touch them with His love. At the end of the shift, I prayed for the two officers thanking God for them, asked for their protection, and prayed that God would reveal Himself to them.

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