Monday Feb. 8th, I departed for Minnesota and Wisconsin for a week of vacation and ministry time with friends and family. At 5:55pm, I spun off into a ditch due to ice on the roadways near Story City, IA. Towing was prohibited in the area because of the weather, so the state trooper brought me to a hotel in Story City. The next afternoon around 3pm, the tow ban was lifted, and I went with the company to get my car. No one expected was to find a large red Dodge Durango on top of my car! I kept exclaiming over and over, “That’s my car! That one right there!” So it was back to the hotel for me.

My parents drove down Wednesday, and on Thursday we drove down to Kansas City, MO. It was a blessed time to have the entire family together, since my brother, who lives in Kansas, was able to spend time with us. We also got to go to an Awakening Service together. It was an unexpected vacation full of rest. I was blessed to have my computer and be in a hotel with free internet, so IHOP’s webstream was such a blessing in the long hours of the night.

Knowing my Father in Heaven was not ignorant and He for some reason allowed this trial, I began to search His heart asking many questions and inquiring of Him to tell me what was on His heart. I didn’t want to pass up this good trial to enter into revelation of the nature of God I would not otherwise receive from this season.

Four things that He has highlighted to me has been: 1) He is always with me, 2) He is always faithful, 3)The worthy lamb, Jesus, has already overcome death, hell, and the grave, and 4)I shall fear no evil! God has graced me with inexpressible peace and joy during and after this most memorable vacation, and I long to continue to press into His heart and know who He is.
Haiti on the heart
Most of the our intercession prayer meetings on the Nightwatch have been directed towards Haiti. God has apprehended my heart for this nation. I long to go down there with the CRI teams who are serving the people through medical care, providing for their needs, and praying with them. Yet, I know that through my prayers I am going down and changing the spiritual atmosphere of Haiti. We will continue to stand with our brothers and sisters in Haiti asking that the Lord turns His church into a House of Prayer. I want to encourage you that your prayers move the heart of our Father God.
In CEC each week, we have been focusing our rapid fire prayer station on praying for Haiti, and in our Evangelism/Outreach station, we have been making cards for the people in Haiti to let them know we are praying for them. Though I can not show you pictures of the children, my amazing interns and I are demonstrating a little of what we do in CEC to pray and reach out to Haiti.
“I thank my God in All my Remembrance of You…” ~Philippians 1:3
Though I can not see you with my eyes, I love praying for each one of you, my dear partners, friends, and family each week. Though I long to come visit you, I am reassured that we are partnering together in the prayer movement, preparing the church for the return of Jesus. Thank you for all your phone calls, letters, emails, and prayer requests. They are so dear to my heart, and I feel so loved by you. Know that I think of you often, and I miss you. Thank you for covering me in prayer and in finances and being so faithful to continue to do so month after month. I do not doubt that God has called you to partner with me, and I to serve you and stand for you in the place of prayer.
Blessings, Theresa