Last month, I lead worship and preached at the children’s track of our national conference. Over the past year, the Lord has touched my heart deeply with the need to prepare this next generation of children for the coming global crisis. I spoke to the children about God’s call on their life to be messengers for Jesus before He comes back. I opened the message up with a question, “How many of you have had dreams about Jesus coming back?” Many raised their hands. Many of the kids said they had dreamed the night before. One of the girls dreamed that Jesus came back. Another little boy dreamed that the Anti-Christ came down and he spoke against him keeping the Anti-Christ from doing all that was in his wicked heart. I was shocked! It was like they were reading my notes! I continued to preach, but God had already done my work for me the night before with dreams as I prayed for them in the night! We have no idea the kind of prophetic messengers that Jesus is raising up in our children.
The Edge of Hell Outreach
“I’m just a man, not an Angel!”
Through the month of October, we did our Edge of Hell Outreach. Downtown Kansas City is, unfortunately, a hopping city during Halloween with several haunted houses attracting thousands of people each October. However, we took the opportunity at IHOP and formed evangelism teams reaching out to those standing in the long lines.
I went out with the teams twice. The first time, a friend and I went through the lines of people standing at the Edge of Hell haunted house. We walked up to a group of six or seven black teenagers. I was really scared to start a conversation at first, but I just began to ask them questions.
One of the teenagers responded, “I am just going to be honest. I don’t believe in God because I don’t like His rules. I mean, why did God give us h ormones anyway and tell us not to have sex outside of marriage?” Her friends told her to stop talking like that. She was embarrassed. I told her I liked her talking like that, I appreciated her honesty and so did God! I explained to her that if she had a little girl and she had a gas stove she would certainly tell her little girl not to touch the fire. I mean–the fire is hot! But her little girl would tell her “but it’s really pretty!” If she were to touch the flames she would be seriously hurt. I said, “That is why God has rules. We don’t always understand them, but the reason He has the rules is He doesn’t want us to get hurt either.
She said, “Well, if God would just come, stand right here, and talk to me I would believe in Him!” I replied, “Well, what if He is?” The whole group backed up from me, “What are you sayin’?!” I said, “Oh no, you misunderstand me! I am not saying I am god! I am saying that God sent us to talk to you.” She seemed to never stop thinking about that comment the rest of the forty-five minutes or so we talked. They went on to share with us that a close middle-school friend of theirs had just died in a tragic car accident. They had gone to her funeral that very day. This death seemed to stir up many questions in their hearts. They asked, “Why would God take this teenager before her time?” They continued asking us many things about death, eternity, and the Lord. We were quite happy to answer any of the questions that we were able to!
As we went deeper and deeper into discussion of the things of the Lord, something really strange happened. All of the sudden the entire group just freaked out. The teenage girl we had engaged the most said with panic in her voice, “Can the other people see you? What are you guys? Are you angels?” The teenagers started asking the people around them, “Can you see them?” I quickly replied, “We are people just like you!” Rachel pinched one of the girls and we all started laughing. I really believe, however, that this was a true moment of the fear of the Lord at least for that girl. She was visibly shaken. She kept saying to us, “If God is real, I want Him to reveal Himself to me. If He is real I just want Him to come and sit right beside me.” I smiled feeling God’s delight in the way she was talking! Rachel asked if she wanted to pray right now that God would reveal Himself to her. She said, “No way! I am too scared.” Rachel told her God wasn’t out to get her or kill her. I told her God loved her and asked if we could pray for her that God would reveal Himself to her. She agreed. We prayed for her, gave her a track, and a CD about the reality of eternal punishment in hell. I have no doubt in my heart that the Lord will reveal Himself to this young lady and will answer the cry of her heart. Please keep her and the other teenagers in your prayers.
LIFE Update
A critical battle is raging over the health care bill in the Legislature in Washington, DC right now. This past Saturday morning, we cried out in the Nightwatch for the House of Representatives. The house voted that day to ban abortion funding in the health care bill. Thank you Jesus! We must continue to cry out now for the Senate that this abortion ban will stay in the legislation!