16,000 To Prepare the Way For Jesus’ Coming
On December 28th-31st over 16,000 young people gathered to Bartle Hall in Kansas City for our annual four-day onething Conference. This year, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, and the leadership of IHOP preached on themes related to Jesus’ soon coming. Mike Bickle taught on the basic story line of the book of Revelation. He told us that the book is meant to be understood by all believers and not just the highly educated. He broke the book down into four parts: John’s calling (Revelation 1), the seven letters to the seven churches (Rev. 2-3), Jesus takes the scroll (Rev. 4-5), and Jesus’ Battle Plan (Rev. 6-22). As Mike taught, he really simplified the book leaving many able to understand it for the first time.
On the last evening, Mike gave an altar call to those that felt called to be Forerunners preparing the earth for Jesus’ return. This idea comes from John the Baptist who prepared Israel for Jesus’ first coming. Just as the Holy Spirit raised John up in Jesus’ day, He is calling many again to prepare Jesus’ Bride for His soon return. In Luke 1:17 the angel tells Zechariah about His Son John describing the calling of a Forerunner, “and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make a people ready for the Lord.” Many at the conference responded to go to the wilderness (figuratively) of preparation just like John did giving themselves to years of preparation for this calling. Many committed to the seven-fold commitment of studying the Bible and praying daily, fasting weekly, speaking boldly, doing acts of justice, giving extravagantly, diligently leading, and living lives of holiness before the Lord. It was so moving to see God’s end-time army being raised up right before my very eyes!
Prayer Request:
Healing for My Niece, Brianna
I had a wonderful Christmas. All of my family converged upon my sister’s house in Tennessee. I was so blessed to finally hold my four-month old niece, Selah Joy. She is really shy and it took some time for her to warm up to her unknown uncle, but eventually she rested happily as I held her. My four other nephews and niece later jumped and played with their uncle excitingly.
I enjoyed getting to see my niece Brianna, too. She recently was chosen as the poster-child for diabetes at Vanderbelt Hospital in Nashville. She got to meet the pop star, Hanna Montana, to which she replied to her mom, “who is that?” She is pictured here with her pump that delivers insulin to her to avoid the several shots a day she was having to get before she got it. Please pray for her. I believe God wants to heal Brianna showing multitudes that Jesus is indeed Lord and King and Healer. Thank you so much to those who have already been praying for her!