We have just formed a new leadership team in Kansas City led by Lou Engle for the ending of abortion. We are nicknaming it “The Clapham Sect” after the community that formed around abolitionist William Wilberforce for the ending of the slave trade in England. The story of “The Clapham Sect” is quite amazing.
“The Clapham Sect” was not a “sect” in any modern connotation of the word. It was a group of Anglican evangelicals in the parish of Clapham noted for their strong Christian commitment. The parish of Clapham where William Wilberforce lived became the most influential parish in England. “Never have the members of one congregation so

I have been praying since our first meeting three weeks ago that God would indeed raise up a Clapham Community like the one in Wilberforce’s day, but, this time, for the ending of the injustice of abortion. Together, Wilberforce and his friends accomplished more than any of them could have done on their own. I am praying that together we will accomplish our common goal of ending abortion in our time.
Our team, consisting mostly of IHOP-KC staff , have great dreams in their hearts to fight the injustice of abortion. We desire to get behind each other’s dreams accomplishing more than we could on our own. Two young ladies’ dreams are to teach children the value of LIFE. They have written a children’s book about praying for babies in the womb called “Justice Loves Babies”. They are getting invitations to speak in many Catholic schools about their book. Another lady has a dream in her heart to complete a novel. We also have a couple beginning an adoption agency. In addition, we are collecting testimonies of the rescued little ones from abortion for a book of their stories.

Kansas City
The dream in my heart and my friend’s is to start a Bound4LIFE Kansas City Chapter. We desire to facilitate and organize regular Silent Prayer Sieges outside of our local abortion clinic. We have already started with two weekly Silent Prayer Sieges. I am leading one on Fridays from 3-5 pm and he is leading one Saturdays. In addition, I met this week with a local crisis pregnancy center. I am working on a strategic prayer partnership with them. We have been given several areas to target in intercession. I am going to be regularly interfacing with them so that we can pray for all that they are doing on the front lines of the pro-LIFE movement.