I have been in Kansas City for three weeks now and so much is changing even from day to day. Seeing how there are no guarantees in this temporary world has brought me to a place where God has been challenging me and refining my heart. He has been asking me if I truly trust Him and want to be His friend. He is teaching me how to rest in the storm. And though it may be painful, the storm is the safest place to be because you are closest to Jesus. I am beginning to believe that I am already successful because I am loved by God and I love God. I have also been asking God to show His heart for me, the church, our nation, and our world. With long hours of work each day, my body at the end of my the day feels the effect. I am thrilled by this feeling of working hard be- cause it validates that intercession, ministry, missions, and serving are all legitimate and real occupations that really matter before the eyes of the Lord. I look forward to what He has for me each new day, though I know the refinement is a slow and sometimes painful journey. However, I would not trade this journey for anything because I feel His presence and know He enjoys me in the midst of learning and trying.
Invitation for partnership

Intercession is the highest means to release justice on the earth. Our prayers move God’s heart and He acts on be- half of our prayers. As an intercessory missionary, my main job is to intercede for salvation and God’s will to happen in the nations. Partnering with me in prayer and finances not only allows me to work full-time as an inter- cessory missionary, but your prayers and finances are in- vesting into the worldwide prayer movement. Would you pray and consider partnering with me? If you make a de- cision to support me monthly, call or email me, and I can get you more information and materials on how to do so. Even if you can not give financially, would you pray for me? Know that if you are receiving my newsletter, I am praying for you at least once a week.
That’s a lot of sand…
One of my main areas of service around the base is teaching the 3-5 year olds for the evening services Friday, Saturday, Sunday. They are one of they greatest joys of my week. Having to teach keeps me so dependent on the Lord as I can not do it in my own human strength. While preparing my first lesson, God spoke to me saying “Theresa, these lessons are not just for the children’s heart, they are for your heart” He showed me that I can’t be a voice and teach the Word unless my own heart has encountered and experienced the truths I am declaring. The best preparation for lessons hap- pens as I meditate on the Word for my own heart. I taught on Psalms 139:16-18, that the number of thoughts God has about us outnumber the grains of sand. Being that I didn’t have sand, I poured my large container of salt into a glass jar to bring as a visual, which I poured out in front of the kids to help them see just how many pieces were even in this one jar. The kids readily accepted the truth. Later that night in the prayer room God encountered my heart with the truth of how much He thinks of me, and all I could say to myself was, “That was a lot of sand!” I pray that God would encounter your hearts as well with Psalm 139.