Combining 24/7 Prayer with 24/7 Acts of Justice

On September 19th of this year IHOP celebrated its ten-year anniversary of 24/7 prayer. As we celebrated, we made a commitment before the Lord to combine our 24/7 prayer with 24/7 acts of justice. We desire to be a people who not only pray but also do the works of the kingdom. This vision will be initiated in many ways and will no doubt change and shift over the next several years. But, for now, this is some of what we are planning!


The Vision for 24/7 Justice


Bound4LIFE Kansas City is fighting to end abortion, the increase of adoptions, and the reformation of government and society through spiritual awakening. The ministry began in May of 2006. I am serving on the leadership team of this ministry.

Evangelizing Kansas Cityevangelism

We are setting our hearts to work with other churches and ministries to systematically evangelize Kansas City starting with the inner city and Grandview, Missouri (where IHOP is located). Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Campaigns, one of the world’s largest evangelistic ministries, founder and international director, Mark Anderson, is committing YWAM’s resources and wisdom to help us accomplish this goal.

Orphan Justice Centerorphans

The Orphan Justice Center is working to adopt children at risk and restore orphaned children including undocumented refugee minors. We have a very large vision for this ministry! In the coming years, we are asking the Lord to bring us 10,000 children at a time from all over the world. These children will serve and grow up in the prayer room as full members of our family.

Hannah’s Dream Adoption Agency

Zoe Foundation is helping to fund the adoption of children as an alternative to abortion and provides care for the adoptive mothers. Hannah’s Dream, our adoption agency underneath Zoe Foundation, is working to significantly lower the costs of adoption. As a spiritual family at IHOP, we are setting our hearts to be the answer to abortion. We will take the babies!

Women’s Life Center

We are planning to change our current facility, Herrnhut Apartments into a Women’s Life Center.

Birth mother homes: will house house needy mothers (who decide not to abort their child)

Group foster homes: will provide resources to families who adopt children

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHuman trafficking victims: will focus especial on Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (refugee children who arrive in the United States with no parent or guardian).

Safe houses: will serve as a first response home for those rescued from human trafficking. When our Government rescues women and children from human trafficking, they have no place to go. We want to be a place they can go.

Domestic violence: will minister to battered women providing a safe house for them

Prostitutes/Drug rehab/Big sisters program:will serve our Hope City inner city outreach

Caring for widows: according to 1 Tim. 5:3-16

Caring for special needs children

Justice Ministry Center

Our current facility, the Red Bridge Center, upon development of our new Truman Property will be refitted as our Justice Ministry Center. This center will serve those living at the Women’s Life Center.

theprayerroomJustice Prayer Room: The primary place for the deep emotional healing that will be needed for the victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse will be our six to twelve hour a day Justice Prayer Room. These emotionally wounded women and children will sit before the Lord with our best worship teams and will be healed in the presence of the Lord.

Biblical training emphasizing foundational truths

Basic Education: teaching English, occupational skills, life skills, GED programs, and elementary school

Crisis Pregnancy Center: providing counseling and support for women facing an unplanned pregnancy

Hope City Inner City Outreach

Hope City is our inner city outreach ministry that has been functioning for several years now. We have extensive expansion planned for this ministry as we continue working with many other ministries downtown.

Hope City will focus on several areas of ministry:

·      Evangelism

·      Discipleship

·      Occupational Training and life training

·      Bible training

·      Children’s ministry

·      Family building

·      Education

·      Life rehabilitation

·      High school and Junior high outreaches

·      Bible programs for children in the neighborhoods

·      Big brother/big sister programs

·      Adopt-A-Block program- will provide practical servant hood such as cleaning up neighborhoods

·      Mobile food trucks: will serve food to families that are hungry

·      Hospice care: will enable patients to continue an alert, pain-free life and to manage other symptoms so their last days are spent with dignity and quality surrounded by loved ones.

·      We will build a new Ministry Center with

·      IHOP–KC Prayer Room: with space to seat approximately 500 people

·      Staff housing: some staff will live in the apartments

·      Soup kitchen: on-site food distribution

·      Live-in discipleship program: for new believers

·      Community center: youth-oriented with a YMCA-type function

·      Health services: health clinic with some on-site care

·      Warehouse: facilities to provide the poor with food and clothing

·      Homeless shelter

·      Ministry rooms

Healing Rooms/Prophecy Roomshealingrooms

Both ministries began at IHOP–KC in 2002. Since that time, the Healing Rooms have ministered to 35,000 people (currently, 1,200 people each month) and the Prophecy Rooms have ministered to 75,000 people (currently about 1,500 each month). I have worked in the Healing Rooms in the past and hope to serve in this ministry again when my schedule gets a little lighter.

National and International Outreaches and Justice Initiatives

hurricaneritaCrisis Response International (CRI): CRI is a disaster relief organization committed to training end-time prophetic mercy missionaries mobilized in the forerunner spirit of night and day prayer. CRI seeks to reach the harvest in crisis and rebuild cities through demonstrations of God’s power and His kingdom. CRI provides response relief to those affected by disasters or emergency situations by giving immediate access to clean water, food, shelter, medical care, and security, as well as helping those affected by such crises to rebuild their lives and the cities they live in.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAExodus Cry: Exodus Cry is working to end human trafficking and restore those caught in the web of the sex industry. It seeks to bring widespread awareness on the issues of modern slavery while reaching out to those caught in the sex industry.

African America Forerunner Alliance: Believing that the Lord has given a divine mandate to African Americans to give significant leadership to the prayer movement, AAFA serves the black community and works to see those of African descent walk in the fullness of their leadership calling.

thecallTheCall: Launched by Lou Engle, TheCall gathers believers in stadiums and arenas in the spirit of Joel 2:15 to contend for revival and to target false ideologies through mass prayer and fasting. The first Call took place in Washington, DC, in September 2000 gathering nearly 400,000 people to the National Mall. Since that time, TheCall has hosted solemn assemblies in over a dozen cities in the US and internationally, filling stadiums and arenas with worship and prayer.

Luke 18 Project: Luke 18 trains young adults to plant prayer furnaces on college campuses and equips them to live as forerunners preparing the earth for Jesus’ coming. Luke 18’s vision is to work with other ministries to establish prayer meetings on all 2,600 college campuses in America. Currently, there are over 150 of these prayer groups.

myanmarI Love Myanmar: In response to the devastation that Cyclone Nargis brought to the nation of Myanmar, Levi Lim, a missionary at IHOP, launched a humanitarian relief organization. It is serving the victims by continuing to help build schools, churches, homes, boats, mini-hydropower plants, fund medical projects and provide Bibles to help the victims of Cyclone Nargis.

What is My Role in this 24/7 Justice?studying

So, what is my role with this whirlwind of new and expanded activity at IHOP? Well, in this season, it is first and foremost, to be trained and prepared by the Justice Program while actively ministering at the Student Awakening Services, the Crisis Pregnancy Center, weekly silent sieges, and evangelism. The training I am receiving over the next year and a half will prepare me to lead when these justice initiatives mature. We will need so many leaders and I plan to be one of them! Secondly, I am helping to lead Bound4LIFE KC, IHOP’s Pro-LIFE Justice Outreach. Underneath my dear friend’s excellent leadership, I am helping to set the vision for the next several years for this ministry and leading sieges on a weekly basis. I am excited for what God has in store for us in the days to come and am humbled that God would let me be a part of this.

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