I feel the time of initial transition of moving here and joining staff is coming to a close. On Nov. 2, I finally get to move into my permanent house, and I continue to work hard laboring in prayer and service. So, what exactly am I doing? Apart from my 24 hours in the prayer room, God has given me a heart to specifically serve children & families and to serve the Nightwatch. I am the lead teacher for the 3-5 yr. old class for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening services. During the nights, I am an usher and an usher captain. I also am the Nightwatch Section Administrator. I get to help the section leaders and by doing things more behind the scenes work like: attendance, scheduling side rooms, reporting maintenance issues, washing microphone covers, replacing broken/stained chairs in the prayer room, etc…I am also on a prayer team led by Bobby Taylor, and I do some admin work for our team. I also help lead a Song of Solomon Bible Study. Each week our prayer team meets for a home group, an E-12 (End-times bible study), a fasting team meeting, a tithing team meeting, and we have optional bible studies/classes taught by Bobby and other members of our team. We also have briefing and debriefing before GPT, or global prayer time, which is when we lead the nations in prayer by sitting in the front of the center section, or where the cameras focus on. (Every worship/prayer team and intern group on the NightWatch gets to do this!) Our prayer team is also currently heading up a clothes drive.

God’s Healing Power is for Today
Three weekends ago, a 5 yr. old girl came in with a cast on her broken arm. Some of my interns and teaching assistants, along with kids prayed for healing for two weekends in a row. The third weekend this girl came to class with no cast on her arm. The mother told me that the doctors had to take the cast off early. The doctors were amazed at the rapid bone growth. The arm healed so quickly that even though they took the cast off way earlier than it should have, the arm was already so healed the arm muscles were already slightly stiff. The girl finally has full range of motion with her arm muscles. Our God is one who truly heals and moves at the sound of our voice. The childlike faith is available to us who want it, and He eagerly awaits to demonstrate the power of the cross! Acts 4:29-30