Haiti Pastor’s Conference Planned for Nov. 2008

Suffering under poverty and a deep darkness that has prevailed for generations, the nation of Haiti stands at a critical crossroads. Over the past two months, four major storms ripped through the country leaving 793 dead, entire cities leveled, one million homeless and over 600,000 people without food. In this critical hour, a joint team from One Heart Ministries (James Adams’ ministry) and Fusion Ministries are planning to gather over 500 pastors and leaders to equip them to be the hinge of transformation in their nation.

Please understand the links to other videos that appear after the above video are not approved or endorsed by this ministry. If you do not see the above video on my Mission Trip to Haiti click here to watch it on YouTube.

Transformation- Haiti’s Only Hope

With this darkness threatening a stranglehold over the nation, one hope remains–complete transformation. In 2000, the nation of Fiji was in a crisis. Once a tourist destination for the rich and famous, it fell into a destructive political upheaval. However, a team of Fijians, “The Healing of the Land Team”, went throughout Fiji calling the church to the message of 2 Chronicles 7:14:

If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

They went throughout the islands to the various tribes leading the people in a simple process of prayer and repentance. Since that time, much of Fiji has been transformed. A revival has swept through the nation increasing the agriculture, bringing peace and stabilizing the nation.

“Healing of the Land Team”

Recently, Rhonda Hughey, director of Fusion Ministries, went to Fiji for a summit with leaders from all over the world. While in Fiji, she met with “The Healing of the Land Team” and told them about our dream of transformation for Haiti. They have agreed to come this next year to walk the leaders of Haiti through the same process that transformed their island four years ago.

“Gideon 300”

This November, as we gather leaders from all over Haiti, we will prepare them for this process of prayer and repentance. We have a dream in our hearts for a “Gideon 300” band of leaders to arise and lead the nation of Haiti into transformation. We began earlier this year as James Adams (my Haitian brother that led the mission trip last year) held a small conference in Haiti with about a hundred leaders. In a week, James will return again with Rhonda Hughey (director of Fusion Ministries) to train a hundred key leaders. We desire to regularly sow into this “Gideon 300” to prepare them to be the driving force of revival and transformation in Haiti.

Leading Worship

I have been asked to come in November to lead worship for this Pastor’s Conference. I am excited and humbled to be a part of these beginnings of revival in Haiti. I am still amazed that God has given grace for me to lead worship in a language I don’t even know! Please pray, as I prepare myself again, for an anointing to learn Haitian Creole over the next few weeks.

Financial Need

For this trip, I need $1,520 for airfare, lodging and other expenses. I need at least $500 by October 20th so that I can purchase my flight. I also need a team of people who will stand with me in prayer before I go, while I am in Haiti, and when I return. Would you consider standing with this nation in desperate need? With the devastation caused by the hurricanes, we also desire to feed the poor. Any money received beyond my budget will be used for this cause.

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