As this year comes to a close it marks five years that I have prayed on the NightWatch at IHOP. I am so thankful for the Lord’s grace these past five years and look forward to all that the Lord has ahead. We have seen God do so much: from my joining the Night Watch full-time in 2004, to traveling the nation with Lou Engle ending up in front of the Supreme Court steps in prayer for the unborn, to praying in front of abortion clinics, to fighting critical battles in the NightWatch, to leading the nations in prayer on GOD TV, to sowing into the lives of many young adults, to building the prayer movement in Haiti. God has been glorified, and I certainly have enjoyed myself!!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support these past five years. I stand amazed at all that God has done through us. I do not see the list above as things I have done alone, but as things we have done together. This is our ministry for sure! You are sharing in this labor of love with me!
What do the next five years hold for me? I feel called to remain at IHOP for a while. A few months ago, we looked at Psalm 132:1-5 as a community:
1Remember, O LORD, in David’s favor, all the hardships he endured, 2how he…vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, 3I will not enter my house or get into my bed, 4I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, 5until I find a place for the LORD, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.
David made a vow to the Lord that he would not rest until a dwelling place for the Lord was established. Upon hearing of his vow and considering the calling of the Lord on my own life, I have made this vow to the Lord. I will give myself to night and day prayer and worship for the rest of my life, establishing a dwelling place for Him in my own day. This might be in Kansas City, or it might be in Haiti or some other nation or city, but for the rest of my life this is my occupation—to do what David said in Psalm 27:4, “to gaze (worship, search out the knowledge of God) upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire (intercession for the nations) in His temple”. I believe that many of you will be a part of this with me for many years to come. Others of you will be called to other parts of the Body of Christ. For whatever time you are partnering with me in this— thank you! I cannot do this without you. You play a vital role in completing the work that God has called me to do.
I have some rather disappointing news. The ministry I was going to Haiti with, James Adams and One Heart Ministries, was not able to raise all the funds for the Pastor’s Conference and the expensive airline tickets to Haiti. Because of this, we have to cancel our mission trip to Haiti next month. We are looking at going later in the year when, with God’s help, they will be able to raise all the funds for the trip. Please keep One Heart Ministries in your prayers as they do this. I still have the funds that were given to me for this trip by many of you and will hold them until I go, by God’s grace, sometime next year.
Two months ago, after several months of being off the platform (which was a needed season of rest) I joined a worship team as a “prophetic singer”. I am really enjoying singing the Word several hours a week. As singers, we have several responsibilities. We sing during the worship songs, help lead the room as we all sing together from the Word, and we sing short phrases from what intercessors pray seeking to partner with them in the burden on their hearts. We also sing choruses from their prayers inviting the entire room to sing along. It has been amazing leading many in prayer in this way in Kansas City and all over the world through GOD TV.
As I have entered into this new season, I have begun considering the role of a “prophetic singer”. In redemptive history, singing has been very important. Consider King Jehoshaphat. When the Assyrians went to invade Israel, he had a secret weapon:
21…[King Jehoshaphat] appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say, “Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures forever. 22And when they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush against the men…who had come against Judah, so that they were routed. -2 Chron. 20:21,22
Like in Jehoshaphat’s day, God wants to use singers again to destroy works of darkness in regions and cities all over the earth. I am glad to be a part of this work along with many others in the body of Christ.
Fire in the Night / Samuel Company
Discipling Young Adults in Prayer
In October, I began working with Fire in the Night, our three to six month long internship, as a core leader. In Fire in the Night, young adults from all over the world come for three months to be immersed in the prayer room over forty-five hours a week, receive teaching on God’s love for them, and grow in the culture of prayer set in the NightWatch. As a core leader, I am responsible for seven young adults aged 17-26. I meet with them on a r egu lar basis answering quest ions, teaching them the values of night and day prayer, and calling them to a lifestyle of abandonment to Jesus. I love my new job so much! It has already required a lot of leaning on the Lord, but I am really enjoying it. Please pray for me. I need so much wisdom to help lead these young adults to Jesus. |
Discipling Kids in Prayer
When I was fourteen, I began ministry to children going to parks and day cares preaching the Gospel. Since my time at IHOP, I had left this ministry. However, I just started working with a program called Samuel Company. Our vision is to set children before the Lord like Hannah set Samuel before the Lord to hear the voice of the Lord. We have kids ages 8-13 in this program. I have been amazed at the maturity level of the kids in my group. In our discussion times, the questions they ask about the Word often leave me speechless. They are, seriously, at the maturity level I was when I was twenty. I can’t imagine what these children will be like when they become adults! My group of kids prayed for some leaders from the church of Egypt. The leaders left in tears after the children sought to hear the voice of the Lord for them. The children spoke many specific words to them. I know they went back to their nation with a fresh perspective, encouraged in the Lord. |