This Tuesday, America will elect it’s president, South Dakota will determine whether abortion will be legal in their state, and California will decide whether marriage will be between a man and a woman. We are in a moment of terrifying urgency.
Daniel, the prophet, gave himself to fasting and prayer for 21 days moving an angel.
Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. (Daniel 10:12)
Like Daniel, if we pray, we can move angels and the demonic forces threatening our nation. In 2004, a group of intercessors went down Interstate 70 praying for the elections. We ended in front of the Supreme Court with LIFE tape over our mouths crying out for the unborn. A man in our group had a dream. In the dream he saw two tornadoes that said HA HA over it. We realized that these tornadoes were two mocking spirits coming against our nation: Homosexuality and Abortion. Seeking to confirm our prayer journey we were surprised as we read Psalm 70,
Let them be turned back because of their shame, who say, “Aha, aha!”
We realized God was shouting from Heaven two threats against our nation: homosexuality and abortion. As these two threats tower over against our nation, we are in need of fasting and prayer. If the church will arise in prayer and fasting, like Daniel, we can turn these elections. We can turn the battle in South Dakota for the unborn. We can turn the battle in California for marriage.
Haiti Mission Trip Rescheduled for Jan 2009
After prayer and consideration we have decided to postpone our Pastor’s Conference until mid January 2009. This will give us more time to prepare and will allow our team to go in more strength. Thank you so much for those of you who gave sacrificially even in the midst of these difficult financial times. So far, you have given $2,355, well beyond my needed $1,600! With the urgent need of the poor in Haiti, I feel led to sow some of this money immediately into a ministry feeding the poor in Haiti. I will hold the rest for my trip in January. Thank you again for believing in this vision of Transformation for Haiti.