The past few weeks I have been actively preparing for my missions trip to Haiti December 5th-17th. Many extra assignments have occupied my time beyond my normal 50+ hour schedule as an intercessory missionary on the Night Watch. This preparation is building anticipation in my heart for the things God is going to do through our team.
Thank you so much to those of you who have already given so generously to see the nation of Haiti changed through the Word of the Lord and prayer! I feel so supported by you as you send me to Haiti. I am amazed at how the Lord is graciously providing the money I need to go. I can just picture the pastors and the children that we will touch on this trip thanking you in the age to come for your generosity.
Learning to Lead Worship in Haitian Creole
Once a week, James Adams, the trip leader; Joy Maves, the other worship leader; and I have been meeting to learn Creole worship songs. It has been a very slow but entertaining process!! In college, since I was a vocal major, I sang songs in Italian and German but never in French (which the Creole language is largely based off of). Let me try to paint the picture for you: James Adams, a native Haitian, is sitting across from me making these sounds I have never heard before in my life. Smiling, he looks at me nodding for me to repeat after him. As I utter an attempt at what I think I have heard with a laugh he shakes his head “nope”. I try again maneuvering my mouth into a yet even more awkward position–“nope”. Finally, in their compassion, he and Joy skillfully instruct me to place my mouth in a position it has never been in its 24 years on the earth! I have to say, learning Creole has been quite an experience!!
Father’s Heart for Orphans
As I have been praying for Haiti one of the primary things the Lord has touched me with is the Father’s Heart. We are going to spend one of our days with children in an orphanage. James has asked me to share with these kids about the Father’s heart for them. I am looking forward to seeing these kids impacted by the Father that has been so close to me these past few months. I am also thankful that the Lord prepared me to minister to these children over the four years I was involved as a teenager with Gloria Russell Children’s Ministry back home in Lufkin, Texas.
Thanks again for your prayers and support. You are just as much a part of this as I am (Matt. 10:41 & 42)!