Onething Conference Broadcast Worldwide

This year our annual young adults’ conference had an added dimension of ministry as GOD TV broadcast the evening sessions to their worldwide network. GOD TV broadcasts on 15 satellites reaching over 400 million people, in more than 200 nations and territories covering the USA, Europe; Africa; Asia; Australia; and an Internet web cast at On the first night Mike Bickle, director of IHOP, several times addressed the television audience calling many to the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. During the week the gospel was shared many times inviting those at the conference and those in the television audience to begin a relationship with Christ. We got over 700 email responses from people all over the world sending in their prayer requests and testimonies of what the Lord did in their lives as they watched.

Those attending the conference were no doubt impacted as well. From the breakout seminars, to the worship times, to the prayer room those attending were presented with the Word of the Lord and were called to live radical lives of fasting and prayer.

Leading the World in Prayer for Iraq

From the ends of the earth we hear songs, “Glory to the Righteous One”

-Isaiah 24:16

On Friday night hours before Suddam Hussein’s execution we called those attending the conference and the worldwide audience of GOD TV (including a potential 30%-40% of Iraqi homes) to pray for peace in Iraq and for the salvation of Suddam Hussein. We also cried out for peace for the entire unstable Middle East region. With threats of retaliation upon Suddam Hussein’s death we felt a real need to move things in that region through prayer. Mike Bickle several times called those watching to stop whatever they were doing for a few moments to join us in changing history through prayer. Who knows what these thousands of prayers for mercy on our world did as they ascended to the throne of God. However, there is no doubt that they made a difference:

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)

The Night Watch Begins 90 Days of Consecration

On January 5th the Night Watch entered into 90 days of consecration. During this time we are renewing ourselves to the vision of Psalm 134:

Behold, bless the LORD, All you servants of the LORD, Who by night stand in the house of the LORD! 2Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, And bless the LORD.

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