God has placed before the IHOP Missions Base an open door to see the Kingdom of God increase as the message of night and day prayer and worship goes to the ends of the earth. Recently, the Lord put our ministry into connection with a Christian television network called GOD TV.
Beginning in 1995 in England, GOD TV is a unique Christian television network that, I believe, is re-defining Christian television. This past September, after many years of trying to get into America, GOD TV started broadcasting into the United States on Direct TV channel 365. Today, GOD TV broadcasts on 15 satellites reaching over 400 million people, in more than 200 nations and territories covering the USA, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and an Internet web cast at www.GOD.tv. Even with this massive worldwide audience and the ability to make much money from programming, Rory and Wendy Alec, the founders of GOD TV, want their programming to be based on what the Lord is saying, not just on who has the money.
Mike Bickle, the director of the IHOP Missions Base, met Rory and Wendy Alec in 1996 in England. Last year they asked Mike to come to their studios in Washington, DC to welcome GOD TV into America. They asked him to speak on their program, meet with them for one hour afterwards to talk about getting a weekly program from IHOP onto television, and then fly right back to Kansas City.
However, as they talked, the Spirit of God came upon their conversation and they ended up talking past midnight for eight hours! Mike told him of the Global Prayer Movement that God is raising up all over the earth signaling the soon return of our Lord. At the end of their conversation, Rory said he felt like God has called their network to get behind the prayer movement and to fill the earth with the message that IHOP is proclaiming.

A month later Rory flew to Kansas City and asked Mike Bickle if they could put cameras in the prayer room 24/7 to broadcast the prayer room around the world from 12-6 am every night. Their vision is to give their audience the prayer room six hours a night on television and then direct them to our prayer room web cast at www.IHOPKC.org if they want more. Since the world rotates, they want us to put five cameras in the prayer room and have professional crews 24/7 so it can be live from 12-6 am in every time zone.
We were expecting to begin on April 1st of this year, however we have had a delay in getting the massive infrastructure in place required to do 24/7 broadcasting. We are looking now at a few months to get everything in place possibly starting in October.
Leading the World in Prayer
From here, their vision gets massive! They desire to be an alternative to CNN during global crisis. When disaster hits the globe (like the September 11th Terrorist Attack or the Tsunami Disaster in the Indian Ocean) they want to suspend their normal programming for two or three days to go live to our prayer room in Kansas City so we can lead the world in prayer.
Prayer Covering Needed!
With this increase in ministry and responsibility, I feel a need, like never before, for a larger prayer covering. I am asking God to raise up a Prayer Team who will commit to pray for me regularly. I feel like these people, along with my monthly supporters will be my “core team” who have a vision for this ministry of worship and prayer. I will begin in April increasing my correspondence with this team via concise e-mail prayer updates providing this team with focused points to pray for me with. I have four overall prayer needs:
1. Col. 1:9-11– Knowledge of God’s will as I lead worship and prayer
• I lead worship and prayer regularly during our prayer meetings.
• I want God’s heart as I go into these prayer meetings. What does the Lord want us to lead others all over the earth in praying for?
2. Eph. 1:17-19– Spirit of Revelation as I study the Word
• I have three specific areas that God has called me to go deep in study:
1. I am longing to understand God’s heart for His people from the Word, especially from the book of Song of Songs.
2. I desire to go deep in Jesus’ heart for Justice found in Isaiah 42 and Psalm 18 among other passages.
3. I want to look at the relationship of the love in the Godhead between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. An anointing to write songs from what I study
• When I was in second grade, God gave me a vision to study the Bible and write songs from what I study.
• Please pray that I can be disciplined to spend time writing songs regularly, worshiping Him alone, and studying music theory.
4. Humility & Patience
• With being on television, like never before, I need humility. He must increase and I must decrease. Pray that I would clothed with humility
• I also need patience from the Lord as I wait for Him in many areas of my life.
Morning Devotionals & GOD School: Raising Up Radical Believers to Win One
Billion Souls
When Rory and Wendy Alec came and shared with our staff the vision for the partnership of GOD TV with IHOP Rory said that less than 1% of believers are saved from Christian TV, but 45% of salvations come from one-on-one relationships. He believes, like IHOP does, that it is going to take believers getting impacted in their hearts and then they will go to win the harvest.
To this end, they want to open their programming every morning at 7 am with a Devotional live from IHOP. There vision is to train believers to win the One Billion Souls in the Great Harvest that we believe God is bringing about at the End of the Age. Mike Bickle and many of our leaders will be teaching these devotionals. They also want to start a two hour a day Bible School called The GOD School that will feature many teachers from our own Forerunner School of Ministry to equip believers for the ministry of prayer and church planting all over the earth.