January 21st-31st I went to my hometown of Lufkin, TX to share with people this vision of prayer and worship inviting them to be a part through giving monthly, giving a special gift, or by praying for me regularly. Thanks to many people’s hard work and the grace and favor of God, I came back with a total of $500 a monthin additional support and $682 in special gifts. With $865 a month now raised, I still have a long way to go before I raise my budget of $1700 a month, but I am very thankful for all that God did on this trip!
Leading Children in Worship
One of the highlights of my trip was sharing and leading worship for the 3rd-8th grade’s chapel service Wednesday morning at Harmony Christian School in Lufkin. I can’t describe to you the joy and burden I feel over the coming generation. The Lord is orchestrating a movement among our children that will far surpass any other generation before us in intimacy with Him and power and authority as they preach the gospel. However, at the same time, the pressures that will face this generation of children will be unprecedented. They need reality in their hearts now! They need something to live for and die for.

So, with great joy I helped lead these children into the presence of God. At one point I had them sing to God by themselves and just listened to them. I felt the delight of the Lord as their small voices rang out a tremendous sound that, no doubt, in the hands of Jesus causes angels to laud and demons to tremble. I also shared with the kids from Psalm 16:11, “in Your presence is fullness of joy“. I told them that their only hope of being truly happy is in Jesus.
Healing Center of East Texas
On Wednesday night I shared and led worship and prayer at the Healing Center of East Texas, a ministry in Nacogdoches, TX with healing rooms open for people to get prayer for physical healing. I feel as if I was able to encourage the intercessors there to keep on fighting. At the end we cried out for the raising up of a house of prayer in Nacogdoches.
River of Life School of Ministry
Thursday morning I ministered at a Bible school located in an old hospital in Rusk, TX. I shared from Isaiah 62:6 calling them to be “watchmen” giving the Lord no rest until He comes in revival. Many of them responded to this call at the end as we prayed for the Rusk area. I was so pleased to find this group of students going after this reality of prayer and worship in such a small town in the middle of deep East Texas.
I want to thank each of you who hosted house meetings or had me minister–you are as much a part of this ministry as I am. Thank you for your constant prayers and support. May Jesus draw you closer to Him this next month!