With so many possibilities these past two months to see the laws changed, we have focused much of our prayers on the ending of abortion. As many of you know, SD voters turned down a measure that would have ended abortion in their state. Though deeply disappointed with this outcome,
I am resolved to keep fighting.
This past month I have been meditating on Isaiah 42. The passage begins with The Father calling us to look at His Son. Verse four has especially been touching be related to our fight for justice for the unborn:
He will not be disheartened or crushed until He brings justice to the nations of the earth and the coastlands will wait for His law.
When I got the news about South Dakota, I was disheartened for sure and near being crushed since I have put so much into this fight. However, in beholding the Son I see someone who is neither disheartened nor crushed. Slowly, my heart is being transformed into what I am beholding in Him.

Silent Prayer Siege & 24/7 Prayer in South Dakota
With the significance of the battle in South Dakota, I knew I had to go there to pray. So, with a last minute decision, I packed my car and joined about fifty others from IHOP to stand in silent prayer before South Dakota’s only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, SD. At 4:30 am Friday night I joined eight others outside of the clinic staring at Planned Parenthoods ominous sign, “These doors will stay open”. Their statement may have proved to be true now. However, Jesus is not going to be disheartened until He gets justice for every human being. I know that our prayers are going into this establishment of His Kingdom of complete justice that is coming.
We also prayed Friday and Saturday night from 12-6 am at the First Assembly of God in Sioux Falls. I led worship several hours joining with the other intercessors from IHOPKC crying out for the ending of abortion.
Nightmare Haunted House Outreach Report
Through October and the first part of November we had our annual outreach called The Nightmare!, a reality-based “haunted” house in downtown Kansas City. Showing the horror of reality through several gripping scenes at the end those going through see the only hope of avoiding an eternal nightmare: Jesus hanging on the cross bearing the wrath of God for them if they will only turn to Him. I served The Nightmare! this year working behind the scenes. I helped with the technical aspects from setting up smoke machines to helping the actor who played “Jesus” with his makeup. We rejoiced as 490-500 people made decisions for Christ.