Sandra Cano (Doe) Appeals to Have Her Case Reversed
On July 31st Sandra Cano, the Doe of Doe v. Bolton, will be submitting a “Rule 60 Motion” to have her case reversed. The Supreme Court will then decide most likely by October 12th whether they will take this important case. Doe v. Bolton, decided on the same day as Roe v. Wade, is the second case that sealed the coffin for over 46 million babies. By allowing a health exception for abortion, Doe eliminated the trimester limitations of Roe, resulting in abortion on demand in America. The case Cano will be submitting, containing almost 2000 subpoenaed testimonies of women who have been harmed physically and emotionally by abortion, will ask the court to vacate both Doe v. Bolton and Roe v. Wade. Allan Parker of the Justice Foundation in San Antonio, Cano’s attorney, is hopeful. This past week (continued below)

It is more important what you guys will be doing next month in prayer than what we will be doing in preparing this case.
-Allan Parker, Doe v. Bolton Attorney
Life Prayer Intensive
With Doe v. Bolton and the two partial birth abortion cases the court will be deciding on next month, July is a critical month to fill the throne room with prayers for the ending of this holocaust. IHOPKC is calling individuals to 24/7 prayer for the ending of abortion from June 26th-July 3rd. I have been asked to give general oversight to the scheduling of this effort on the Night Watch .
If you would like to join us in prayer any time during the month of July for the ending of abortion, e-mail me the times that you would like to commit to praying for LIFE. It will be an encouragement to us at IHOP and to the Justice Foundation to hear that you will be standing with us in prayer.
Topeka House of Prayer Praying for the Ending of Abortion
During the night of 6/6/06 the Topeka House of Prayer had a special 12 hour prayer watch to contend in intercession combating their city-wide increased occult activity. They asked me to come and lead a worship set from 10:30-12 am focused on praying for the ending of abortion. About 200 or so joined us for an incredibly anointed time of prayer and worship. At one point we prophesied over Wichita, KS, just a couple hours away, that God would end abortion in that city.
During the evening Zadok House of Prayer director Kirk Bennett shared a stirring message on the throne room of God and taking our authority as ones seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Kirk was formerly on the IHOP-KC leadership team when we sent him out last year to go start this house of prayer in Charlotte, NC. It was so good to see him again and get to hear about the incredible things the Lord is doing at this new house of prayer. I also had the joy of accompanying him on the piano while he preached and singing prophetically at key points during his message.
Leading a Prayer Room Team
Last month I began a prayer room team for intercessors on the Night Watch who are not on worship teams. The team helps give these intercessors a focus in their Bible Study and provides a place to encourage one another to pray. I also oversee these intercessors as their supervisor. In our briefing times we are studying every intercessor in the Bible, the hope of the kingdom to come in Revelation 22, the nation of Israel in
Romans 9-11, and God’s heart for justice in Isaiah 42. Our times of discussing these passages have been fruitful and enjoyable for the team and for me!
Panama: Answered Prayers Walk Through the Door
For the past five months every Sunday from 3-4 am a small team of us has been praying in one of the Great Commission Rooms for the nation of Panama. We have been specifically asking God to raise up intercessors in Panama.
Last week as were praying a mom, dad, and four kids knocked on the door of our room. We invited them to join us in prayer. They began to share that they were from Panama and were in Kansas City for our prayer conference at IHOP! They began to relate to us their desire to see a house of prayer raised up in Panama. They told us that a couple of months ago a friend had been sharing with them about IHOP. After hearing about us, they decided to come to Kansas City for our conference. We were amazed to see the very answers to our prayers for intercessors sitting right in front of us. We asked if we could pray for them since it is not often that we get the privilege of Panama coming to us! So, we split up and ministered to each of them personally.
(continued from above) Doe v. Bolton, cont.
God opened a door for me to talk with him personally. In our conversation he said the case has a much better foundation then their case did last year when they sought to bring Roe v. Wade back to the court. He also is encouraged, of course, on the shifting of the Supreme Court with the additions of Samuel Alito and John Roberts.
One of the intercessors at the Justice House of Prayer in Washington, DC had a dream before the elections of 2004. In the dream she saw Sandra Cano arguing her case inside of the Supreme Court. She was weeping because the Supreme Court would not listen to her. She came out of the court and found intercessors standing with red tape over their mouths with LIFE written on it. With tears streaming down her face she said, “please be standing with me when my court case comes to the dock“.
Please join with us as we stand with Sandra Cano and the Justice Foundation as they seek to see this wicked decree of death annulled in our nation (Isaiah 28:18)! Allan Parker said to pray for unity on his legal team and for the Supreme Court Justices, especially Justice Anthony Kennedy who, in the past, has tended to waffle back and forth on issues related to LIFE. We are also asking God for a third Supreme Court justice who will stand for LIFE.
During our conversation, Allan Parker made a statement that struck me, “It is more important what you guys will be doing next month in prayer than what we will be doing in preparing this case.”
Celebrating Two Years of Prayer Ministry
This month I celebrate two years of being in full-time prayer ministry. When I came to IHOP in June of 2004 I made a two year commitment to the Night Watch and IHOP. Since I was on the road with The Cause praying for the elections for four months in 2004, I went ahead and committed to the Night Watch through the end of this year. Right now I am planning on continuing at IHOP after January, but I am still praying about what the Lord will hold for me next year. Please pray for the Lord to continue to direct my steps in this and all of the many decisions I am making.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers over the past two years! I am amazed at how God through you provided for my needs completely for two years releasing me to this important work of intercession. With so much of the battle still left to fight, I am so appreciative of your continued prayers and support as we blaze a path ahead for the sake of the kingdom of God and the future of our nation.