Anywhere from thirty to fifty people gathered daily in silence August 1st-5th crying out for God to rescue the unborn in Lufkin from the wickedness of Planned Parenthood. Partnering with Lufkin for Life and several local pastor and leaders I believe we saw a significant beginning of the end of this clinic’s negative influence in Lufkin! Every day we stood in faith believing God for nothing less than the shutting down of the clinic in Lufkin and the ending of abortion in America. I believe that we will see both.
Making the front page of the local paper and the top story on television, we believe that the Silent Siege did make an incredible impact on the city. However, by far the greatest impact made was in the heavens as we allowed the voices of the unborn to be heard “even in our silence”.
Police Called On Local Pastors Fellowship
On Thursday during the Silent Siege several local pastors came and stood with us. It was incredible having the governmental leaders of the city join us in prayer. They really affected the spiritual realm moving angels and demons with their very presence I assure you! However, when the pastors arrived one of them had to be dropped off because he was disabled. A few minutes later the police arrived telling us that they had been called by a local business saying that protesters were filling up their parking lot. Later we found out from the business that Planned Parenthood had called them. The police left when we explained that we were parking over at a local church that had given us permission to park in their lot.
Silent Siege: Planned Parenthood, Houston
On Saturday, August 6th I went out with the Bound4Life team to Lufkin’s “mother clinic” in Houston where they refer clients who want abortions. It made this all the more real for me standing in front of a clinic actually killing babies inside even as I stood. Oh–how I pray that God would end this thing!
Woman Faces BOTH of the Common Exceptions Made for Abortion
While on the road in Texas we talked to a women who faced both of the common “exceptions” that are made for making abortions illegal. Here it is in her own words:
I was nineteen and in my sophmore year of college when I was raped by another student. During the few weeks that followed the traumatic violation of my body I became very sick, nausea and cramping were so severe that it caused me to miss work and classes. Finally, I related it to the possibility of pregnancy. I went to the local drugstore and bought a pregnancy test. When I got to my apartment I took the test immeadiately, and stared in disbelief as it showed a positive. I cried, not sure what to do next. I felt the tremendous weight of responsibilty and I felt so alone.
I decided to ask counsel from some of my professors that I had respect for. There were three different people that I sat down individually with to discuss my options. Each one had the same opinion. The ONLY solution was abortion. They said, “You have your whole life before you, your career will be ruined if you do not make the choice to terminate this ‘problem,’ Its not your fault!” I went to my apartment heavy-hearted, and once again feeling very alone.
I decided that for the time being I would work and wait, but the pain grew daily until it was difficult for me to even stand. I finally went to see a doctor who told me I had a tubular pregnancy, and that if I did not abort immediately that as the baby grew the baby would die and I would too. I decided to get a second opinion. This life growing inside me I already felt endeared to, I was so distraught about what to do. The second doctor, and third had the same diagnosis, and only one option in their opinion.
That night, in my apartment, for the first time in a long time I cried out to the One I knew loved me. I said “God please help! What can I do” He responded clearly, “Go home.” So, the next morning I called my mom, who came and picked me up, took me home. The next few months I spent with God, seeking His will for my life and the new life that grew in me. I did not go back to see a doctor, after three months God placed in my life a wonderful Christian mid-wife. Exactly nine complete months (to the day and hour) from my rape, I delivered a healthy, complete baby. He has blessed [mine and my husband’s] lives unimaginably! God is so good! “Though sorrow may last for a night, His joy comes in the morning.”
The Silent Siege Continues in Lufkin
Upon the success of the Silent Siege the first week Lufkin for Life decided to extend the Silent Siege another week. Doing a sort of “surprise attack” this time around, they decided not to announce their coming with a press release. Amazingly, with no promotion, the first day 35-40 people showed up! There is no doubt that God is breathing on the movement of the Silent Siege right now!
Several local congregations and ministries took the remaining days standing in prayer. Lufkin for Life plans to continue the Silent Siege over the next few weeks as they feel led in prayer.
Man Thanks God His Daughter Wasn’t Aborted

A man from one of the local congregations in Lufkin who came and stood with us the second week told us his testimony. He had wanted to abort his daughter, but, thank God, did not. He ended up leaving his daughter and her mother. Later, when his daughter was seven years old she began praying for his salvation. Finally her dad came back into her life and on Father’s Day he came to church and gave his life to Christ! He told us, “if I had aborted my daughter, she would not have prayed for my salvation!”
Continuing In Prayer on the Night Watch at IHOPKC
Upon returning to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City Tuesday, August 9th, I was renewed once again in my vision to pray with the 100 or so people crying out every night for this nation and the nations of the earth. I have had a unique opportunity to make an impact sending people out from our internship, Fire in the Night. I just got news that two of the young people I led during the Silent Siege in Kansas City are know in their own home towns doing Silent Sieges. I am excited to see this message of the justice of the Lord for the unborn going forth all over our nation and all over the earth. Please pray for me as I continue to pray in the Night Watch here over the next few months. Thank you again! Your financial support and prayers are making this ministry of prayer possible.