Last month the IHOP Mission Base had its annual Halloween outreach. We partnered with Solomon’s Porch, a church in downtown Kansas City, to put on the production of a reality based haunted house. After fourteen evenings of ministry we saw around 3200 people walk through the terrifying Haunted house. Out of those 3100 received a chick track and a CD about Hell. We were overjoyed as 442 people prayed to make decisions for Christ! Night and day prayer is certainly impacting Kansas City.
Inside the haunted house thousands saw the horror of reality as “spirit guides” led them through several griping scenes: a car wreck from drunk driving, a drug-overdose, a woman going through post-abortion trauma, gang violence, and a suicide. From there they took a train ride through hell. At the end was the only hope of avoiding eternal torment hanging on a cross: Christ Jesus bearing the wrath of God.
Working Behind-the-Scenes

I was involved as a technician helping the haunted house to be a success behind-the-scenes. Ironically, the first night, my job was to deliver water to the people acting in cages in Hell. I was reminded of the parable of Jesus about the rich man in torment in Hades. Seeing Abraham, he called out to him, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.” (Luke 16:24) As I stood behind-the-scenes I heard the screaming of people going through our terrifying, yet weak portrayal of Hell. I was gripped with the reality of the eternal torment of souls separated from Jesus. In this place the rich man longed for just a drop of water. However, Abraham could not help him. The Bible says, “it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment“. Once a person dies it is too late! We have one chance to help them: now–in this tiny breath of 70 years or so called life! This is why I pray: for many souls to be spared from eternal torment.
Leading People to Christ
After the compelling reality-scenes of the haunted house people came out to take a survey of what they thought about it. The questions funneled down to Heaven and Hell and where they would go when they died. We then asked if we could share what the Bible had to say about it. From there we had a wide-open door to share the gospel. I worked this aspect of the haunted house as well praying with many and was overwhelmed with great joy to lead two pre-teens and one adult to Christ.
A Marine from New Orleans
One of the most powerful of these times was talking with a young Marine from New Orleans who was in a hurry to leave with his girl-friend. Upon sharing the gospel with him he wasn’t sure that he had time to pray with me. Suddenly, unusual for me, I was more aggressive saying, “You are a Marine, man. You have one of the most dangerous jobs. You could die any day. Are you sure you don’t want to know where you will spend eternity?” The young man agreed and prayed with me.
With the nature of the ministry I am doing, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your prayers and support. I need it! As we snatched souls out of the kingdom of darkness last month, I have faced a great deal of spiritual warfare, especially in my finances. As always I appreciate your help, you are as much a part of this ministry as I am with your financial gifts and prayers.