Like never before, we stand in a time in need of prayer. As ninety percent of New Orleans lies underwater, like never before we must fast and pray for mercy. News reports told of a gay-rights parade termed “Southern Decadence” scheduled for the square of New Orleans just two short days after the hurricane submerged the city. This parade was publicly endorsed by the past three mayors and the city council of New Orleans. However, while most of the city evacuated, seeking to not forego the “tradition” of their parade two dozen gay rights activist marched down Bourbon Street in New Orleans the weekend of September 3rd. Oh, how I tell you we must pray for mercy in this time of disaster!
If this evil were confined to this one city maybe we would now stand acquitted. However, this past week California legislatures passed bills to legalize homosexual marriage. We must see this for what it really is! I feel our nation is sticking out its chest in pride before a perfectly righteous and just God.
On Thursday, September 8th IHOP Missions Base Director Mike Bickle had a dream. In the dream he stood before an angel lifting up a trumpet to his lips three times ready to blow. During a similar time in Israel’s history when they were faced with their own act of God (a locust plague and an army) the Lord gave them these instructions:
“Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to Me with all your heart and with fasting, weeping and mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm. Who knows if He will turn and relent… (Joel 2:12, NASB; 13-14 NKJV)
This scripture is exactly what we must do as the people of God. We must call our churches and our families to fast and to pray for this tidal wave of homosexuality sweeping through our nation to be checked, for the ending of abortion, and for an historic revival turning hearts back to God. I must, however, say that I believe the judgment of God is sure to come to our nation because of the blood of 46 million babies. However, if we pray we might lessen the severity of judgment.
Mercy Released in the Night During Hurricane Katrina
On the night before Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast we were crying out in the Night Watch for God to spare New Orleans. We specifically cried out for the hurricane to be weakened. Later while looking up news articles on the internet I ran into this Associated Press article:
Devastating as Katrina was, it would have been far worse but for a puff of dry air that came out of the Midwest, weakening the hurricane just before it reached land and pushing it slightly to the east.
I was amazed in dreaming that perhaps our prayers during the Night Watch in the Midwest town of Kansas City might have played a part in our merciful God sending that ‘puff of dry air’. I am very thankful either way that God heard our cries and that the hurricane did not hit land at a Category 5 but hit at the less-threatening Category 4 and that it did not hit New Orleans head-on.

Praying for Supreme Court Nominations
Washington, DC, October 1st-9th
I have intended for a while to go to Washington, DC for a week to pray and visit with my covenant friends fighting for our nation at the Justice House of Prayer. I began thinking through my schedule and decided that there was no other place I would rather be on my birthday, October 8th, then crying out for our nation in front of the Supreme Court like I was last year!
I spoke with the Justice House of Prayer leadership and found out their plans for a special Silent Siege October 3rd. It will be the one year anniversary from when we started before the elections last year. So, just like last year, on the opening day of the Supreme Court, as the National Organization for Women screams and yells for the cameras we will be praying in silence. I know this will make a statement before the Lord of intercession and will move His heart. I know that it is making a statement in the natural, too, as they have been standing out there for one year not that it will begingnurt. This is the day that everyw silently crying out to God for the rescue of t he unborn. Upon hearing about the special siege, I knew that God was calling me to go out and join them for this week.
I looked for a man among them who would build up a wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it… Ezekiel 22:30
With Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement and the death of William Rehnquist, our nation is standing at a judicial crossroads. Not only do we need to intercede for righteous men and women to be appointed to the Court, but we must gain the prevailing influence over the Court in prayer so that we can see these judges judge with justice! It is for the sake of the unborn, the sanctity of marriage, and the turning of our nation that I will be going to DC during the opening session of the Supreme Court to stand in the gap for true justice to prevail in America.
While in DC I will primarily be crying out for President Bush’s decision on the associate justice to replace Sandra Day O’Connor and the confirmation of John G. Roberts as chief justice. With Bush due to decide on O’Connor’s replacement after Robert’s hearings it will be a key time for me to be in Washington, DC praying.
Please pray for me as I go to fight this battle in Washington, DC for our nation and as I continue to stand in the night in Kansas City. As always, thank you for your prayers and support! You make it possible for me to give myself to this ministry of prayer full-time as you partner with me with your prayers and financial gifts. May God bless you and your family and may God have mercy on our nation.