Here we go again! I am coming into a season of faith and trust like never before! I feel like the Lord has called me to continue praying for our government with The Cause USA until the elections on November 2nd. Right now I am at my apartment in Kansas City preparing to leave for Washington, DC. On the way, we will stay in different churches on Interstate 70, praying and calling God’s people to vote and pray.
During this time we desire to not only pray, but be the cry of the unborn to the church. Who has largely become deaf, even as millions of babies in our nation have been murdered. It is time for this holocaust to end! The essential issue is this: many of our political candidates have taken sides on this issue. As the church of Jesus, where will we stand? God is neither Republican nor Democrat. However, He is a righteous God and calls us to never allow “thrones of iniquity” (Psalm 94:20) to be established on our shoulders at the ballot box.
I will be part of this team, praying every day. In Washington, DC, we will most likely be eating little and sleeping on the floor. We will be praying several hours a day and I will again be serving as one of the worship leaders.
I feel an intensity with this assignment like never before! The enemy will resist us as we fight for this cause. However I remember the promises of our Lord, first in 1 John 4:4, “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world,” then in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble: but take heart because I have overcome the world.” Like never before, please be my covering as I go and do what the Lord has called me to do. Pray for the Lord’s protection over my heart and over our whole team of 70. I am in desperate need of your daily prayers. The physical, mental, and spiritual requirements of this assignment will far out way any season previous, even my trek through the jungles of Panama in 2000! Please consider receiving my prayer updates. If you don’t already get my updates, please send me your e-mail address. Thank you again for your help financially and in all ways–you are saving this nation through prayer!
Prayer Needs
• Safe travel on the road
• God’s protection over our entire team
• Unity in our group’s covenant
• Sunday, Sept. 19th
WorldView Church: St. Louis
• Monday, Sept. 20th
Abundant Faith Christian Center: Springfield, IL
• Tuesday, Sept. 21st
New Wineskin Ministries: Indianapolis, IN
• Wed., Sept. 22nd
Transformation Cincinnati: Cincinnati, OH
• Thursday, Sept. 23rd
Cleveland, OH
• Friday, Sept. 24th
Charlotte, NC
• Sept 27th-Nov 2nd
Washington, DC
• October 12th-22nd
Tentative 24/7 prayer in a tent before the AFJ Rally
• October 22nd
America for Jesus Rally, DC National Mall