I am in the midst of one of the most incredible seasons of my life and ministry! At the beginning of June I came to Colorado Springs to join The Cause USA. I have been continuing to pray throughout the night focusing on the government. I am sorry that this newsletter is late getting to you. My laptop was stolen during the third week. God is still so faithful to me!
When I got here I was asked to lead a worship team. I have enjoyed leading this group of musicians, singers, and intercessors. My team led about four two-hour intercession sets a week. In these sets we sang a few worship songs to get our hearts focused on Jesus and then allowed people in the room to pray for this nation. We focused on the elections asking God to tear down the false thrones of iniquity and to establish His government and righteousness in our land.
The Lord told our leaders that we would see the answers to our prayers on the front page of the newspapers. One night the intercession was full of energy and extremely unified. Someone had a shofar and began to blow it and said they felt like the Lord was saying as they blew it our troops in Afghanistan were on the verge of capturing some people in Al-Qaeda. The next morning we discovered that indeed our troops had captured two members of the Al-Qaeda that very night! We were excited to see our prayers change history.

I also have had opportunity in the midst of this to teach in some of our briefings on my heart’s passion: intimacy with Jesus. We have done several sets were we take a portion of the Song of Songs and sing it to the Lord. It has been wonderful to see this group go from knowing little about this book of the Bible to delighting in the very mention of it.
I have also been heavily involved with putting feet to our prayers through a grassroots movement mobilizing college students to vote and pray. I am one of the graphics designers. On September 11th at IHOPKC we will simulcast a mobilization event to college campuses all over America.
Thank you again for your support especially to those who gave special gifts for this endeavor. Without you I would not be able to pour myself out into this full time. May God bless each of you and may He move mightily in our nation!